I was just wondering but how I have to know. Out of the six characters you play as in FFXIII who is considered Lightning's foil( extremely similar with a key difference or drastically different) in the story? Who is her so called Lancer possibly between Sazh, Fang, and maybe Hope.
I've not completed the game (just got to Pulse, so that's as far as my information will extend), but I wouldn't say any of those listed. Snow is probably the closest to her foil. I could go into reasons if I did research but I haven't played in some time and I don't want to look over quick game summaries to jog my memory for fear of spoilers. Hope is definitely not even close to a foil for her, I don't think. I actually think Lightning takes to him because she sees a similarity in the two of them, and doesn't want Hope falling to revenge or weakness. Sazh, eh. I don't feel he's the most developed character and I haven't got much interesting to say about him. Fang I think is rather similar to Lightning, if a bit less... angsty.
Lightning doesn't seem like the main character to me, they all seem to have the same importance and the same amount of development. Except Snow, godamnit Snow.
Out of those three? Fang. Though Snow would be closer to being her foil. If we were talking about XIII-2 though, that'd definitely be Hope. Hope is nothing like Lightning in the first game even after he gets past his mother's death, which isn't a bad thing of course. He and Sazh were the best characters because of how real they felt. If anything, you should be asking who's Snow's foil! >> But if you really wanted to keep it between those three, Fang is the most similar to Lightning. That's probably why they don't get along so well when they meet. Their cycles lined up.
I have to say that all of them foil each-other a lot. Depending on what character trait you are looking at you can pick almost any of them to be any other one's foil. And there isn't much of a lancer either for the same reason on top of the fact that there isn't much of a leader to say who to take the foil of. I would say Fang would make a good candidate for foil of the team as a whole, and thus being lancer that way, but she isn't glaringly so. (Add bonus for having lance as a weapon)