Studies choosing,and careers

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Chevalier, May 30, 2008.

  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    umm, right now, after summer ends ill be a junior...

    the problem is i dont exactly know what i am going to study at university

    and i was wondering, if there are any good tips on how to choose your studies and your career

    any personal expiriences about it are good too.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Well, what kinds of things do you enjoy and do well in school with? I take it you mean a Junior in high school. Just so you know, really you don't have to pick a declared major to get into a University though some may rather you did. If you do pick one, you can change it at the uni if you feel it just isn't what you are wanting to do, so don't let that get you stressed. Quite a few students in their 2nd year of college switch majors or take another major or minor. My advice would be to take time to think on what kinds of skills you do have and what you'd want to work on. What kind of fields interest you at all? What classes do you do well in and feel you really connect with?

    There are also tests that sometimes school counselors give or schools in general to help kids figure out possible things that they are talented in that you might want to ask to take. They help by asking you a bunch of questions and finding out through your likes, dislikes and more. Then after it 'grades' you, I think it gives off like 3 occupations that might be interesting based on your answers.
  3. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    XDD, i ve been waiting for the results of those test....

    i guess, ive been so caught up in music....and havent been paying much attention to my future.

    and ive considered entering
    a music conservatory....but they say its hard.....and ive been trying to learn more about music....because i think that taking a musical career might be hard.

    and well.....thats mainly the trying different things and try to inform myself well....because. i wanna be prepared.
  4. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Wow talk about opposites . . . I've been too caught up in my future to notice anything new in the music world. xD I've not updated my iPod/iTunes in almost a year now. O.o'

    Ok, back on topic . . .
    It shouldn't really matter if you think a certain career might be too hard or not, hun. As long as you feel that the field interests you and believe that you can stick to it all the way, then anything that may be thrown to you, it'll be easy and simple; because no career is simple, they are all difficult in their own ways. And if you lean towards a career choice because it's simple, then it's a bad decision. Choose something that you like, and something that you can really see yourself doing for the rest of your life. I'm sure that in the future you wouldn't want to wake and have to groan and moan about going to a job that you despise.

    If you're still unsure, then ponder on it. You're barely a JR, you've still got four more years to decide what you might want to do with your life. JR year will help with that and SR year will mostly be some more pondering. The first two years of College is general education, so it really is not necessary for you to know everything by the time you graduate. And the truth is that whatever major you may choose when you apply to a college, the chances are that you'll change it by the time you receive your AA Degree [if you plan on attending Community College] or start your JR year in an University. So don't stress over it, and plainly take your time to consider everything that you like and see what intrigues you the most.

    Side Note: In my opinion, you'll know that you've really found the career that you love when you don't actually loft your eyebrow at the pay, and turn away because it was too low.