I see it in your eyes You have something against me Or at least I think you do Why do I get this feeling? I don't know I'm lost and can't find my way and you're not helping because you just stand there looking at me. Not trying to help. what's the matter with you? Why can't you help me? We've known each other from the start. Grew up together. Somehow, I had something against you You knew it too You kept pushing it to the limit where I couldn't take it anymore I was driving home one day and got into a car crash I was in a coma.... ........ for 5 months After I woke You weren't there to see me you never did. Why? Do you hate me? I think I hated you too I saw you one day We talked Over the 5 months of my absence You took over my life You stole everything I had My boyfriend My friends My life So I told you to **** off and never talk to me again We never spoke ever again I was happy I was free Free from your pain ass gulit of pressure So farewell
0.o hun is there something i should be aware of that went on? Its very emotional and very well written... i'm surprised and it concerns me Are you okay or was this just a poem you felt like writing?
hehe that was great :] damn, who'd piss off you. xD the person your talking about sounds like a *****. Anyways, this poem is awesome! Its beautiful and inner and you made it really nicely done. Great Job ^^