Storyline of Kingdom Hearts

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by TheCrownedRoxas, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. TheCrownedRoxas Twilight Town Denizen

    Okay, so this is how the story of Kingdom Hearts goes. First off, everything started off with Birth by Sleep. Terra, Ven, and Aqua are chasers hired by the King to destroy Xehanort. He causes alot of chaos. On the way, Terra, Ven, and Aqua must destroy these enemies called Unbirths [​IMG]. The Unbirths have alot to do with kingdom hearts. They are like Xehanorts minions. Of course, Xehanort is trying to rule kingdom hearts. Like every other Dark god in Kingdom Hearts. I'm saying Kingdom Hearts way too much. Well, kingdom hearts is like this ultamite power everyone wants to rule. THERORY: I think that, Terra, Ven, and aqua don't defeat Xehanort. He just gets remade. Cause in KH2, he has white hair, and he's polite to Ansem the wise.

    Then it goes off to Kingdom Hearts (The Game). Sora, Riku, and Kairi are just normal kids who live on 2 little islands. One with a neighboorhood and another to just hang out on. Along with side characters Tidas, Wakka, and Selphie. On the island, they try to make a raft so they can visit other islands. They actually got pretty far on building it. It was almost completely done. Sora is this kid who has dreams of these creatures called heartless [​IMG] They are creatures with no hearts. One day, Sora sees this black portal over his island, practically destroying it. He goes over there noticing heartless and a big heartless. Riku faded into dark, kairi went inside of Sora, and Sora got the keyblade. Riku was supposed to get the keyblade, but he's dark, so the closest thing was Sora. Being seperated from the islands, Sora meets Leon, Yuffie, Cid ect. He also meets Donald And Goofy (souldiers on the king) Their journey is to find the King. Sora travels through worlds looking for Riku and Kairi. Melephacent took Riku, and Sora has kairi with him. In his heart. On the adventure, Riku gets some weapon called the Soul Eater. And another weapon called Heart Keyblade. A weapon that can seperate hearts from people. Also, Riku has this form he calls Ansem. Sora then defeats the many forms of Riku, and closes the door, along with Riku and the King. Sora thought he was supposed to defeat Malephacent, but he was wrong. He's actually supposed to defeat Organization XIII.

    Then comes Chain of memories. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, and the King travel through Castle Oblivion, filled with some Organization members. Oh, and I never mentioned tht the king is Mickey mouse, but you already knew that LOL. Sora has to defeat Marluxia, so his plans of using Namine, a which, to take everyones memories will fail. I'm not sure if thats his actual plans. I have to beat the game. He he, well, anyways, Riku has to defeat his power Ansem so he can try coming back to light. I think. I seriously need to beat the game. While beating organization members in their way. In the end, they both defeat there targets. I also forgot to mention that, the farther they went in the castle, they lost there memories. Sora gets put in a sleeping pod to regain his old memories. Oh my god, AGAIN I almost for got about another character, "Jiminy cricket" a guy who caries all of the info in a journal. And Riku and the King take the path of Dawn.

    Then comes 358/2 Days. Roxas and Axel are two Organization members who are like best friends. Waiting for Sora to arrive, Xemnas is showing a new member of the Organization "Xion". She is a Sora nobody, and so is Roxas. The members of XIII are keeping secrets from Xion. Through part of the game, She doesn't know who she is. I THINK?! Xion makes friends with Axel and Roxas, but I don't think she knows that she practically IS Roxas. She doesn't know she's Sora. But, Roxas knows he's Sora. Once more, I THINK! Then Riku comes in the picture. Riku is now sorta in the Organization, and he's trying to turn Xion against Roxas. And the Organization. And Xion has this pcychopathic power that is extremely powerful. It's like this beast thing. Well, Roxas tries to stop her, but accidentally obliverates her. So Roxas gets Super pissed, and goes to attack Riku. But, Riku was just a little bit stronger. The thing is, the spirit of Xion still is bad, and encourages Riku. So, riku defeats Roxas, and them Him and Diz erase his memories and turns him into a normal kid. NOT THE END. But I need to finish the game first. LULZ!

    Here goes Kingdom Hearts 2. Roxas is a kid who lives in a normal town called Twilight Town. He has dreams about Sora, cause he practically is Sora. It haunts him alot. Well, one day, a creature called a nobody [​IMG] takes a camera, and goes to a haunted mansion where Namine now lies. Using his struggle bat, he tries to attack, but its not affective. So, feeling no confidence, his Bat turns into the Keyblade. He then defeats it. And gets back photos of himself and his Friends. His friend "Pence" wondered why all the photos were of Roxas. So that was a question they didn't know. There is this tournament called the "Struggle Tournement". I don't care if I spelled that wrong He is about to defeat his challenger Vivi, then everything goes to a pause. Then Nobodies and Axel appears. Axel keeps saying, "Come Back, do you remember me?" Stuff like that. Roxas gets mad and Challenges Axel. Boom, he loses. Then, Axel shows up again, but HE freezes before he gets a chance to fight. So Diz tells him to go to the mansion. He does, and goes to this computer room. He beats the heck out of the computer cause it makes this screech. Then, he find Axel, 1 MORE TIME. But this time he got 2 keyblade. Roxas wins, but this time he remembers Axel. He then goes to sora's pod room, and out comes Sora.

    Sora, Donald, and Goofy travel through many more worlds looking for the King and Riku. Not kairi. She's back at the Islands. Master Yen Sid tells him everything. So, he goes out to find all the Organization. And everytime he found one, they called him Roxas. You all know why. One day, he goes to hollow bastion, noticeing a big hole in the wall. He follows it, noticeing Xemnas, and 1000 heartless. Thats when they find Mickey. A little before that. Sora was the only one that took on the 1000 heartless After that, Saix, an Organization member, tells him that, "Every heartless you destroy, the heart goes to Kingdom Hearts." So Sora doesn't want to defeat Heartless anymore. Right after that, Sora finds out who Roxas is. Sora goes to Twilight town, and goes to the Mansion. Sora, Hayner, Pence, Ollette, and the king open a path to TWTNW. He goes through this wierd place where Sora and Axel fight back to back againsted some nobodies. Axel uses too much power, and destroys himself. So sora gets to TWTNW and sees Roxas. He fights Roxas, and defeats him. Then, he goes to this giant castle thing. There, he finds Riku. Then, Sora realizes Kairi was taken. Actually, he realized that a while back. Sora gets back Kairi, and they all go to the top where Xemnas was, taking over Kingdom Hearts. Sora and Riku had to defeat Xemnas 5 times. Finally, Xemnas dies, and Nobodies are no more.

    Sora and Riku get back to the islands, where everyone else is, and END.

    Sora Riku and Kairi get a note from the king in the end.

    Then comes coded (NOT LONG)

    Sora gets re-created to do something. I have no Idea.


    Leave a reply below telling me if I missed info, cause I know I did. But don't be so mean about it Like, don't tell me to get my facts right, cause I know.
  2. WilliamTheWise Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 21, 2009
    With my Pack
    VAT are sent by their master to stop Master Xehanort and Mickey may not be King during BBS.
    Actually Heartless are the hearts. They are hearts surrounded by darkness. That's why little hearts float out of them when one is killed
    It was a storm, portal later
    And unlock the darkness within their hearts
    Xehanhort's heartless takes over Riku
    No they both needed to go down
    358/2 days starts as soon as Roxas is born in KH1

    No she's not
    She's a living doll created out of Sora's leaked memories
    No he doesn't

    Riku isn't a member of the organization
    And he doesn't want to turn her againist Roxas,
    No Roxas left the organization to discover why he had the keyblade and Riku was sent to catch Roxas to help Sora wake up faster

    Xion wasn't bad, she told Riku to stop him. He was about to fight Xemnas and lose
    They don't turn him into a normal kid, just give him a fake personality
    Roxas wins that fight with Axel
    Not until alittle bit later
    So long as theres heartless there will be nobodies

    Umm what was the point of this poor abridgement of KH?
  3. TheCrownedRoxas Twilight Town Denizen

    Shut up. Maybe you can't read. Don't go all technical on me.
  4. WilliamTheWise Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 21, 2009
    With my Pack
    Well if you didn't have all the facts why go and start writing a timeline of the series? What was your goal in doing this?
  5. Naqki Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 13, 2009
    It's so many false points in there...
  6. ZackX93 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 6, 2009
    That s the storyline

    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Kingdom Hearts

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

    Kingdom Hearts 2

    Kingdom Hearts Coded
  7. ronnoc55 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 7, 2009
    Sorry just had to point that out
    But yeah william the wise is right
  8. Naqki Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 13, 2009
    Well, he is party right there.
    Riku was the original wielder of the keyblade but it sensed his darkness and went on to the person with the next strongest heart to Riku, which was Sora. Which is why when you fight Terra in KH2:FM+, when he awakes he states You're Not The One I Chose. Or something along those lines. Which raises the issue of whether the keyblade master chooses it's next wielder.
  9. TheCrownedRoxas Twilight Town Denizen

    What ever. Just don't be too mean about it.
  10. WilliamTheWise Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 21, 2009
    With my Pack
    You still haven't told the reason for doing this.
  11. TheCrownedRoxas Twilight Town Denizen

    You still don't get it do you. SHUT UP!
  12. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    You have to give a reason to why you made those points >_> So people will understand why.

    Or the timeline will give false infomation and mislead readers.
  13. DemyxPlaysMySitar Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 18, 2009
    A Cabin in the middle of the Mountains
    oh wow. I can't stop laughing. LOL.

    Seriously, instead of saying shut up all the time XD
  14. Repliku Chaser

    Dude, you want others to be nice and no one is bashing you but you're telling them that? They are critiquing what you have said and if you want to be accurate, take some constructive criticism. Telling people to shut up and being oversensitive will not help you in an area where people can talk about things and discuss openly matters.

    In other words, hear what they say and debate it but 'shut up' etc, isn't a correct response. Chill out, man.
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Okay, the timeline's close enough to illustrate whatever point he's trying to make.

    Actually, what point is he trying to make? Is this a theory, a guide to the plot or a quest for reassurance of his knowledge of the plot?
  16. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Agreeing with the rest of the people here. We see that you put all the games together to make a timeline of the story, but WHAT IS YOUR POINT? What was the reason for your...story telling of a story we are already very familiar with?
  17. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    Guys calm down xDDD
    You are killing each other..
    Well look like Roxas got some facts wrong and other Members are clearing them up for him :D
    Nothing wrong.
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    There's that, but then there are also those who have no idea where he's going with this.
  19. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Well, that is very nice and it has already been established...but what about the fact that this thread and his timeline still has no point. Did he have a theory, or a question, or some sort of a conclusion...? No one knows, and that is all we want to know. xD

    So, still waiting...if the creator is ever going to come back and clear this up. Heh...
  20. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Yes I agree :/