Stones of Fate

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Aug 27, 2007.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Current town: Tokyo, Japan

    (Before I say the story, I say this. I have written a lot down here, so you might want to read every bit of it once in awhile. Don’t read for to long, or else you will probably hurt your eyes, lol)

    (A second note. The town we will be beginning in is stony point. Under the name stones of fate I will have down the town and country that the people are in, since they are only beginning in the town of stony point in new york state. At some point, they are going to end to leaving, so I am informing you all of this right now)

    Story of the stones of fate…….

    Long ago, before the age of man, even before the dinosors, just around the same moment the earth was created, 1 meteor stood there, in the middle of the very universe. It was an old meteor, made of such materials that not even the wisest of men can even begin to hypothesize of. That meteor was so old that it ended up literally blowing up. But, the center of the universe had a sort of hold on the rock, as if it was in place. Due to this, the fire from the rocks explosion was literally frozen in place, as soon the remaining crust became the surface of which the fire of it stayed on. This was the sun. The explosion itself, being frozen like that, and causing a sort of damage to the universes central hold, caused other meteors to come near by slowly, and they soon began smashing against eachother. Over time, all of these meteorites began to form, and soon, atoms combined, causing volcanic eruptions, then water flows, and other things, all due to the colliding of atoms from different area’s of the universe. Now, once the earth was finally completely formed along with other planets, all of these meteorites left remnants of themselves. Litterally, plants, fossils, life, but mostly the very stones around us. The sand of the beach, the very salt that we might even consider only a form of food topping. But there is only 1, special stone out of all of them. One stone from each meteorite, which is unlike the others that came from them. These stones, contain the power of evolution itself. Humans are only weak creatures compared to what is really out there, but whenever one of these specific stones is in a humans grasp, then they may go through the process of evolution whenever they wish it. But sometimes, whenever one stone is used to its full power, it can backfire, and the human shall be human no more, but only what is to go beyond human potential. These stones are hunted for generations now. After all this time, most people have never found them. There are only 4 kinds of people who can obtain these stones really. The innocents, the hunters, the dark ones, and the empowered ones. Which will you be? And whichever one you become, will you join in the hunt for these stones? For once you do, there is no turning back. Of course, one might not have a choice. After all, the stones of fate are not chosen by humans, humans are chosen by them……..

    Clearing everything up: Ok, so here is the deal. A heck load of stones are out there, and it is your job to find them. There are 4 groups. 1, the innocents. They are bystanders who get dragged into this mess by accident. 2. Hunters. They are the ones that have been hunting these stones for ages, generation after generation. 3. The dark ones. These are people who somehow have a mysterious connection to the stones, and they know how to work them not only to maximum power, but they also work towards the goal of world domination. The empowered ones is basicly the government. The basic story goes along mostly with kids that are in highschool, or atleast it begins that way. Basicly, if you want to be with the group most of the time, then you might as well be between the ages of 14 and 17, though that is only a suggestion. You are going to get a wide selection of what kinds of stones you can use. There are major and minor ones. The major ones are the most dangerous. Now, I am gonna have a really long list here since I researched just about every single stone known to man (or atleast every known stone in this book thingy I found). So it will be split up into stones that give you physical abilities, mental abilities, other abilities, and major abilities. Under all of these lists, I will have a character list, which tells what stones have been taken. I know it will take a lot of reading, but don’t worry, we will have time to look for all of these stones, though it will be very challenging. So just look under the section you think the stone you want might be under, and see what you want, ok. Our story begins in current time, 2007. Most characters will be beginning in high school. This will begin in America, in the big apple, new york city. You ready? Then lets get moven.
    When I make my first rp post, then you guys will understand more about everything. Also, as an add on. Do not go trying to be uber powerful or anything like that, ok. Rules go my way, and as you rp, you will slowly learn them. You should know how to rp well by now though.s

    Faction: (innocent, hunter, dark one, or empowered one)
    Culture: (American, Japanese, whichever one)
    Stone: (read list of stones first).
    Appearance: (Use to show what your character looks like if you do not already have a picture prepared.)

    (my bio’s)

    Name: Matt
    Age: 15
    Faction: innocent
    Gender: male
    Culture: American
    Stone: agate
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is not exactly what you would call social. He barely speaks to anyone, and can be pretty cold towards people. He isn’t a bad guy, he just doesn’t like to talk. He can be arrogant, stubborn, and he’ll go off and do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He can act like a very dark person.
    History: He has grown up a normal life really. Only thing is that his parents are short on money. They barely are able to keep up and they live in an apartment, which they could lose any day. In the town of Stony Point (I will be using real towns in my rp incase you guys do not know. You can make up ones that your characters are from if you want though), he had just moved, and is going to be beginning school there since summer vacation just ended. Besides that, he has a few bad records for getting into fights with kids.

    Name: Jarrard
    Age: 15
    Faction: innocent
    Gender: male
    Culture: African american
    Stone: Olivine
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is a real bully, and likes to have power. He hates to be the underdog, but he has a few acceptions. If anyone gets in his way, he makes sure that he shoves them out of it.
    History: There is not to much to explain. He has lived a normal life, but has always craved control. He was raised and turned into some spoiled brat, who got lucky and loved to work out. His hobby is taking lunch money from kids. He is your classic bully.

    Age: 17
    Faction: hunter
    Gender: male
    Culture: american
    Stone: amber
    Appearance: [​IMG] (ignore the weapons)
    Personality: He is the kind of guy who intimidates some people, but he stays calm in all situations. He can be a bit manipulative at some points, but he can also be a real good guy. He is a neutral person, neither good nor evil.
    History: As a child, before his parents died, he was taught about the hunters. It fascinated him, and he quickly became one, following his family’s footsteps. Apparently, when his parents were killed though, it was supposed to be just him and his sister, but zed, his sworn enemy, came in an kidnapped her. He now knows nothing of what happened to his sister. He now leads a small group of hunters, which seem to resinate in the town of stony point. Oddly, it is an attraction spot for weird activity, so that is why they mostly resonate there.

    Name: Zed
    Age: unknown
    Faction: dark one
    Gender: male
    Culture: unknown
    Stone: diamond
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: he is a cold ruler, who cares for no life. He enjoys toying with peoples minds, and making them act like meer insects before him
    History: Totally unknown

    Name: John
    Age: 27
    Faction: empowered one (government)
    Gender: male
    Culture: American
    Stone: obsidian
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is an all around kind of guy, but he isn’t some stiff who takes every single thing seriously. He is only serious when it is nescasary for him to be
    History: Ever since he was a boy, he always wanted to help out his country, and protect it. He joined the military, rose through the ranks, and at one point, he ended up going on project S.O.D.E, which is currently unknown.

    Stone system: You get 5 points in taking up the stones. Physical stones take up 1 point. Other stones take up 2. Mental stones take up 3. Major stones take up a full 5. This is to ensure that a person can get more then one stone in the beginning, and they get it however they like, whether it is a handy down or what, but you get the system. Now this is the list. Also, a person can only posses one major stone. Throughout the whole storyline, only one major stone per person.

    ~Physical stones~

    Alexandrite: creates a sword from thin air. Nothing to special

    Alum: super speed.

    Amazonite: luck.

    Apache tear: purifies poisens

    (belongs to john)Asbestos: resistance to fire

    (belongs to john)Aventurine: hawk like vision

    Cats eye: see life in slowmo. Also cat like reflexes

    Chrysoprase: banish evil spirits, strength of a bull along with rage, makes blood generate quickly to recover from blood loss.

    Carnelian: jynx others

    Coal: sends energy through a person, making them hyper, and less stressed.

    Fossil: large strength in legs which allows the person to jump extra high

    Geodes: grow wings whenever activated

    Hardend lava: skin becomes as hot as magma, making punches and kicks deadly

    Hematite: creates a glove around your fist, which will double the weight of any metal if you punch it

    Lapis Lazul: golden touch

    Lepidolite: increase size of body by 3 times its normal size

    Marble: rock body

    Pipestone: Move through objects

    Pumice: eliminates all pain, but that does not mean that it gets rid of wounds. It just allows you to fight to your best, even if you were to have a broken leg. After results can be quite drastic though.

    Rhodonite: drains physical energy when touched

    Salt: the user of this stone can make themselves disperse into salt, and then reform into their normal self. Only problem is that if the person has the stone and is touched with water, then they will be temporarily, but extremely weakend, and will barely be able to move.

    Spinel: can cause paralysis to an opponent

    Salactite: allows your arm to become blade like. Nothing that special, but it is sort of like twin blades

    Selenite: causes blindness

    Sodalite: quick healing

    Staurolite: create a clone, but only one

    Sugilite: Can merge a single body part with a form of metal. From a simple sword, to a machine gun.

    Sulfer: rubber body

    Sunstone: strength increases 20 fold whenever in the sun

    Tigers-eye: the person will be able to make there body more animal like, morphing it so that it will have a certain animals features. Take a tiger for instance. The person will get cat like reflexes, there body will become striped, and there nails will become claw like.

    Topaz: invisibility

    Turqoise: life drain. When something is totally drained, the thing that has been drained turns into dust.

    -Mental stones-

    Azurite: future sight

    Chalcedony: increases rage within a person

    Chrysocolla: can drain memories from enemy

    (belongs to john)Citrine: removes fear from others

    Fluorite: illusions

    Kunzite: give others a feeling of drunkness

    Malachite: 360 degree vision. It is like having invisible eyes revolving around your head, in a sense.

    Moonstone: hypnosis

    Rhodocrosite: love enducer

    Amethyst: chrystalizes weapons. Allowing a sword to become more of like a long, spiked sword, or can be turned into a bladed whip, for example.

    Azurite: an add on to the ember stone. Turns fire into azure fire. 10 times hotter

    Beryl: creates 7 orbs, which can be modified by the whim of it’s user.

    Calcite: creates the spear of Iceland out of thin air. This spear is able to pierce anything, even energy or wind pressure.

    Celestite: grows plants

    Coral: the water add on . Can turn into a pure puddle of water, and move around, such as through cracks in a wall.

    Cross stone: creates a bow of light, which can create arrows of light as well.

    Flint: can relieve another stone of its powers for a day.

    Garnet: repels all insects

    Emerald: teleportation

    Holy stone: power to negate darkness. A light stone adjustment, created to contain the ability’s of the agate

    Onyx: can form clay beasts out of the earth

    Peridot: allows the user to create a parrot puppet, which allows it to fly off, and relate messages. Though it is not battle worthy, it is very useful in some situations

    Petrified wood: Gorgon effect. Turn those with life into stone with a scratch

    Sard: (minor) blow out a special gas from mouth which creates a type of mustard bomb effect, making everyone who’s eyes touch the gas eyes burn, their nostrils will burn, and their throats will burn (not literally, but its like rubbing really spicey spice on all of that stuff).

    Sardonyx: temporary possession

    Sphene: lazer beams. As lame as it is, it causes the person using it to generate heat in their eye, and fire heat beams

    Topaz: magnetism

    Jasper: creates rain

    ********Major stones**********

    (taken by matt)Agate: Gives the powers of darkness. Increases speed, increases strength, allows control over dark energy, is not hurt when hit, can turn into gas form, confusion flash, dark shield, can heal ones wound temporarily. It cannot heal a wound made by a cross, holy water, or any holy weapon. This is a stone which produces pure darkness, and it is nearly impossible to completely tame such a power. Legend says that the original man who utilized its power first, became the captain of the army’s of hell.

    (Belongs to rob) Amber: fire control, strength, speed, alchemy. It was this stone that man used in ancient times in order to form things into swords in such, using its power of alchemy. It is even believed that cave men discovered fire with this stone

    Aquamarine: control over water. The person using it should be able to dodge attacks quite easily, due to the fact that the users body become quite nimble. Light as a feather. The original owner, before dieing, used to use this in order to create fake sea monsters, scaring sailors away

    Bloodstone: blood magic. Can control blood in unimaginable ways. Such a stone gave the original belief of vampires a bit more truth to it

    (Taken by Zed)Diamond: Unthinkable power beyond belief. It is hard to say what it can do. Legend holds that it can bend reality itself. It has always been beautiful, and can be traced back to the babilons

    Jade: control over greenlife (plants basicly). The user can even bring plants to a next evolution, such as a venus fly trap turning into a plant monster thingy. Religious priests who know of the stones may sometimes say that this was God’s tool in order to form the green life on earth, though that could never be proven

    Jet: power over earth. Increase in strength, can feel vibrations on the earth, allowing you to tell where an enemy is, even if hidden, as long as the enemy is standing on the ground. Mighty rulers used this to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies way back when.

    Mica: allows one to gather energy itself, and turn it into a weapon, such as a beam or a sword. The belief of ghosts became more factual when the original owner used it to play tricks on people.

    (Taken by unknown)Mother-of-pearl: creates smaller, monstrofic creatures, which grow at high speeds. They are man eaters, and the person who has this stone must be a female. It is a cursed stone, and should not be tampered with, or else there can be dangerous concequences. Back in the west in ancient times, during a great extinction, people said that devilish bugs called locusts attacked. Apparently, in current time, they say that the bugs look like crickets. Apparently, that is a lie…..

    Obsidian: power of ice. Body will be able to freeze most of the things that can come at it, making it easier to counter. The one named saint nick used this during his times of life in order to freeze chimneys so he could move down them without making a noise (if you guys are thinken about santa claus, then we all know he isn’t real, but nick was one of the saints. Santa clause is just a myth made in his honor)

    (In jarrards possession)Olivine: control of the storm. Power of Lightning. Punches can have static generate around them, and can cause a minor shock to an enemy. Such is only an example of what it can do. It can even redirect lightning itself. Fearsome storms are made with this, and when in the hands of someone who can use it, many hurricanes can be created. Of course, this is only possible in the hands of an expert.

    Opal: can shift the balance completely, in which the user can absorb the attack of another, and then use it against them, in the users own form of the attack. Sort of like a sling shot. This stone created the original idea of the catapult

    (Taken by unknown)Pearl: it can take hold, and obtain a persons very soul, but only one at a time. This stone does not even have any recognition in history.

    Quartz: power of light. Can cure anything, and can create light where there is only darkness. Most darkness cannot stand up to this kind of power. It is said that the holy warrior of God herself used this to fight against the dark forces of hell.

    Ruby: it may seem minor, but this stone, gives the user the ability to see into the past. They will even be able to see there very past lives if they wish. To long a look into the past though can pose a danger to the persons mentality. No real history can be taken of this stone

    Saphire: Sixth sense, mental protection, mind reading, invisible shield, prevents captivity, ability to speak to the dead. This stone gave birth to the belief of psychics

    (taken by unknown)Staurolite: a dangerous stone, which when used, it cannot be undone, but is dangerous. It grants immortality to a person. This person will never die, and after an hours time, any wound can heal. But that is just it though. Because they will never die, they will never reach the after life, destined to live on earth and watch all of its greatest and worst moments. This stone has only lead to dread and chaos, and whoever originally was found with it, is still not known to be alive or dead.

    Tourmaline: power of wind. Can travel at extremely high speeds when stone is being used. This stone is a stone of beauty and its powers can be used for some of the greatest goods

    Zircon: . This is the most powerful stone of them all. It has such power within it, that it will increase any stone that it’s user posses 100 times over. It is so powerful, that if it was to fall into the wrong hands, then the user would have the power to literally rule over the world. If put into the hands of someone who cannot obtain such power, it will drive them mad with power. Such a stone might as well have never exsisted, since it is extremely rare to find even the break off pieces which contain no magic.

    Character list:

    Mine- Matt (age15) (innocent) (owns agate) [​IMG]

    Mine- Jarrard (age 15) (innocent) (Posses Olivine) [​IMG]

    Mine- Rob (age 17) (hunter) (Posseses amber)

    Mine-Zed (age unknown) (dark one) (posseses diamond) [​IMG]

    Mine- John (age 27) (empowered one) (posseses obsidian) [​IMG]

    Kairi22- Lilly (age 15) (innocent) (posseses quartz and holy stone)

    Varnor- Velox (age 15) (hunter) (posseses Alum, Fossil and Fluorite)

    True darkness- Cathy (age 15) (innocent) (posseses saphire)

    Twilightblader- Seth (age 16) (innocent) (posseses Alexandrite, Amethyst, and malachite)

    Silverbullet- Kain (age 15) (innocent) (posseses mica)

    Zexion13- Laulite Ruzuki (pronounced lawleat) a.k.a, Lin (age 15) (innocent) (posseses cat's eye, pipestone, and sodalite)

    True darkness- Kaelyn (age 17) (hunter) (posseses aquamarine)

    Silver bullet- Niyak (age unknown) (dark one) (posseses flint)

    pirateguywithapplepie- El Toro Mal(age 17)(dark one)(posseses chrysophrase)

    pirateguywithapplepie- venture (age 17) (innocent) (posseses Chalcedony)

    pirateguywithapplepie- xane (age 19) (hunter) (posseses Sugilite)
  2. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    Stone: Alum, Fossil and Fluorite
    Personality: Stubborn, and loyal. never smiles
    he's had a ruff life, he's parents kicked him out at the age of six. he then had to learn how to survive by himself. few years later he managed to get to US and met Rob.

    I'm gonna put my other characters here to:
    Stone:Moon stone
    Personality:Evil and wicked. her favourite hobby is to manipulate people. she has caused more than 400 suicides
    History:Velox mother and a hunter. when she found out Velox had obtained a stone as a kid she threw him out so his father couldn't kill him. it was her last action as a mother

    Name: Fellon
    Stone: Tigers-eye
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality:he acts on instinct and is more like a animal than human. he won't let anything stop him from doing his job
    History:Velox father and a real bad one. The only good thing he ever did to Velox was to train him to be stronger. He loves his wife Mia more than anything but if she tries to stop him, he is ready to punish her
  3. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Name: Lilly
    Age: 15
    Faction: innocent
    Gender: Female
    Culture: American
    Stone: Quartz
    Personality: Sweet, and kind. But she does have kind of an attitude so don't get on her bad side.
    History: She doesn't really remember much of her past, when she was 6 years old her, and her parents got in a car accident. She lost them both, and her memorie. But she was adopted and now lives in a small town with her foster parents, and little sister.
  4. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Ok then. Sadly, I actualy have to go right now, though I will be back a.s.a.p. When I get back, I will check out all the new bio's that might be here, then we can finalyl get started. OK then, seeya around guys))
  5. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    Name: cathy
    Age: 15
    Faction: innocent
    Gender: female
    Culture: American
    Stone: saphire
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: a young teenage girl who likes to meet new people, She likes company but she can be very annoying at times, she is also a calm and sweet girl.
    History: she can't really remember her history after she went into a coma, all she remembers her brother and the massive town fire.

    Edit: changed personality
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: accepted. Now guys, listen, we are gonna start in a second, but towards the begining, this thread won't be as action packed, alrite. No worries though, when the action comes, it comes. Now gimme a moment, and we will begin
  7. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: okay, i'll let you start though.
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Matt woke up, giving a great big yawn. "Man, I can't believe it. I can't believe that I godda go to this stupid new school" he muttered as his mom called out "Matt, honey, it's time for breakfast!".

    "Hold on!" matt yelled back. He started getting ready as fast as possible, since he knew that if he was late then you would probably be in a mess of trouble. He got dressed, did all the usual stuff, ate breakfast, got his books ready, and he started to head out the door when his father came into the room and said "Hey matt, you forgot", and threw him the agate stone. "Keep it for luck" he siad.

    "Ya sure, thanks dad" matt said as he walked out the door, all set for school. "Man, what a drag" he said, as he waited for the bus.
  9. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    Velox was waiting by the buss station
  10. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: do we have the stones striaght away?
    BIC: Cathy smiled as she walked to school, hair fluttering. a bag hung from her shoulder swaying in the motion of her walking. "pretty day." she said, the blue sky had a wisps of clouds floating around in the breeze.
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: ya. The other stones are the ones that we all go after. The innocents usualy get involved with the hunters, and though it isn't exsactly like some family thing, the innocents still end up hunten with them unless they go off on there own.

    bic: THe bus stopped by, and matt got on, completely bored. He yawned as he sat down and leaned his head against the window, as the bus began to move again. He just wanted the day to go by as fast as possible

    The bus was now going to velox's stop
  12. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    " LILLY!!!!" Her mom yelled. " Comming!" Lilly yelled. She was already dressed and ready. She ran down the stairs. " Can you get Laura's lunch ready please?" Her mom asked. " Sure." She said. Once she was all finished she grabbed her bag and walked outside.
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    The bus stopped at velox's stop as the doors opened. Rob was sitting all the way in the back of the bus where no one else seemed to be
  14. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    Cathy saw Lilly coming out of her house on the other side of the road. "hay! Lilly!" she shouted and she waved.

    OOC: got to go.
  15. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    Velox went on the buss he took a seat not long away from Matt
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: dangit, my mom is maken me go walk the dogs. I'll brb, ok.

    bic: The bus began to go again, heading to lily's house
  17. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Lilly waved to Cathy. And waited for the bus.
  18. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    Velox was drawing in one of his note books

    of topic:
    cya dude
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: alrite, sorry about that. I had to do a few chores, but I did them a.s.a.p.

    bic: The bus stopped at lily's stop next, and opened up the doors. All the kids on the bus were chatty as usual, and the bus driver was goin batty, as usual.

    ooc: ya, it gonna sorta be like this for awhile, but we gonna make sure that things kick in soon.
  20. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Lilly walked on and sat in a seat near Matt and Velox.
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