Hm. It's not bad. I don't understand the random dots, I don't like them much. It's cool though. Again, I don't have any real CnC. The colors are cool and the stock is awesome. 8.5/10
For the sake of the "proper CnC": Well, I think the contrast may be a bit too high. Or it's the brightness because it's pretty bright. A little less brightness could be a bit better. You have two light sources, which kinda' ruin the focal point of the sig. And it's a bit too sharp, if it's a bit blurred in some spots, IMO would look a bit better. Overall, I think the text suits the sig and the spots could be a bit better with a less opacity, since they kinda' make the whole sig a bit too complicated in total. For the sig, the border should be in overlay, if you don't wanna' change anything IN the sig. Then the border would give it more of a fade look. Other than that, it's a great sig. GJ. better?
He followed a tutorial for this tag,i have it too lol.anyways for the cnc.first of all the dots dont belong there.they dont look that good here.the lighting is too contrasted.maybe lower the opac of the lighting to 50% opac,atleast thats what i do.text could have been better,but atleast it fits the tag in a good way.smudge some parts to give it some depth.and the border,dont use the blending options to do it like that.a simple stroke will do good.