Sticks and Stones may brake my bones, but your words will never hurt me??

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Rainbow~Monkey, Feb 12, 2009.

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  1. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    I'm sorry, bu i don't think that it is really true...i would rather be hit upside the head with a rock than be called some of the nasty s*** that people say to each other....
  2. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    If you just think yourself how pathetic most insults sound, they really lose their effectiveness. For instance, I was called a nerd all through high school. Whenever I heard someone say that, I just thought about all the great people in the world's history who were nerds (like... Bill Gates? Einstein? Christopher Paolini who is set for life at 25ish?), and thought to myself "I'm in good company".
  3. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    I have been called a nerd before but only by my friends... The people that have called me a nerd never said it again because I beat the hell out of them, even if they were bigger than me, not kidding either...
  4. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    But since so many people can grow out of it, people who have little else in common, we must conclude that the ones who still get fazed by verbal assault are doing something wrong then. And why should I care about insulting people that are blind to the revelation that words are indeed just words?

    What is it with kh-vids members and hollow philosophical-sounding statements these days?

    Then it was the action that caused him suffering, not just the words. In this case words are a medium of pain and not a cause, and I do believe it is the latter we're discussing here. Fair point nonetheless, I guess.
  5. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I suppose the reason words hurt...It's perhaps because they sometimes present a warped meaning. Let's say you're a very unique person and then someone comes along to say you're freak; only because you're unique. Now, I'm not completely sure about this, but that will somehow cause doubt in most people's mind "Is being unique being a freak?"No. But the person will feel bad because he's being stricken through what he is, but in a warped sense.

    There also comes the fact of who says it. If a nobody came up to me to speak ill of me; I probably wouldn't care since the person is not important in my life.

    If my best friend spoke ill of me. I would probably feel bad. The person is supposed to be my friend.

    anyways, that's my two cents.
  6. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    First off, if your friend says and means bad things about you, he's probably not really your friend and you would be better off without his dead weight dragging you down.

    Second, many of the people's most important people would be labeled, in our society, freaks. Just think about all the people who challenged the worldview of those in power - Copernicus, Galileo, Aristotle, Columbus, Einstein (more a theorist than a challenger, but still) - the list goes on and on. All of them would have been freaks in our time. How about Beethoven (I think it was him), who produced most of his later music while he was nearly deaf! I would be proud to be a freak. I wouldn't tell your insulter that, because it would just make him find something else, but I would know, and that's all that would matter to me.
  7. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    I have to say that statement is false, I would rather be punched or kicked, well I'd rather be beaten up than have someone say something hurtful. But it depends on who says it, if it's a person who I don't give a crap about, then yes, their words won't hurt me, but if it's someone I love and care for, then yes, I would think of their words more painful than being beaten up, and those words would be like scars, they'd heal, but they won't fade away.
  8. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I was just presenting an example ^_^'

    About the reason sometimes words hurt. And I know you and styx are adamant minds(or so you say), and yet that doesn't give anyone the right to insult others. I understand growing a spine is almost a neccesity in this world, but that doesn't mean negative behaviour is correct. Like hands used to hard work; they become hard and dry. Just like that is the spine thing.

    what about soft hands? Who cares, right? wrong. Hard hands can work well for things that require much pain, but soft hands are also good for holding and stroking, a hard hand would only bruise.

    And I'm not sure what I'm trying to say here...>.>'
  9. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I never once explicitly referred to myself as an adamant mind, because that would be incorrect. However I will admit that it's a goal I'm aiming towards.

    Actually, yes it does. :) The more you can laugh off, the less you get offended by, the better your mood and the more pleasant your behaviour with other people.

    I've said it many times before, both here and in real life, and I haven't gotten any real retort yet: if everyone in the world would be able to laugh off every form of verbal abuse that was thrown at them, wouldn't the world be a happier place If mocking touchy subjects was no longer taboo due to there no longer being any touchy subjects, wouldn't many arguments be omitted permanently?
    Sadism and masochism are the best things that ever into the human mind's lap.

    So yeah. We have every right to be nasty and you have no right to be intolerant since you limit your own and others' happiness. Have you guys ever even tried to see it that way?

    I had a feeling you didn't, because what you are trying to say sounds rather asinine to me. Hard and soft hands? An analogy doesn't get much more off than that. :p

    Harshness towards one person doesn't imply a lack of tenderness and sense of intimacy towards another. The fact that I'm arrogant as hell doesn't mean that I can't be gentle towards people I care about.
    I find it funny how our black/white thinking is frowned upon while you exhibit the same lack of consideration for the gray zone. Just wanted to point that out.
  10. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Besides, I am willing to bet most of the teasing anyone will ever get in their lifetime is during high/middle school. Well, guess what? Most of the people in those grades who talk like that are trolls. If they were on the internet, we would call them trolls. They just want a reaction. If they aren't able to get what they want from you, they'll move off to someone else. And once they can no longer get their cheap giggles from anyone, they'll stop. Or they'll go super-hardcore-emo and slit their wrists from depression (prepares to be flamed) :D.

    So really, if everyone were able to block off words and ignore insults, there would be no more insults.

    Also, after some contemplation (and another shouting match with my mom - even over the phone, she can still get me), I do accept that extreme criticism and bad-mouthing from people we care about can hurt. But! in my mind, in order for it to have any effect, they actually have to care what they say. For instance, if you live with an abusive father who CLEARLY doesn't love you (not naming any names, just a generic example), you have no real right to be offended by anything he says, because he is no better than the trolls in school. (Actually, abusive parents - verbally or otherwise - need to go to prison, but that's beside the point.) The same applies if your dad (or mom, but this is more common in men) is drunk. Drunk people most of the time can't even control what comes out of their mouth. Therefore, everything hurtful they say is meaningless, too.

    However, if someone genuinely does care about you, then yes, if they say something hurtful, you can feel hurt. I must say, I have experienced this. My mother is really negative when it comes to my classwork. If I tell her that I get on a game, even for a few minutes, she gets mad at me and tells me that I won't get a job if I don't get the grades, and implies that any bad grades I get are the game's fault. Totally false, of course, and from anyone else, I would shrug it off, but from family, it's different. However, that is the only time I can ever be hurt by someone else, and that should apply to everyone.

    Wall of text over.
  11. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    words can hurt just as much as any phyical pain any weapon can inflict... language is an amazing power and it can be used as a horrible weapon as well as a blessing. so, i think, in a way, words really can break bones as well.
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