.:Stickman City~Build Your Own City:.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Feb 23, 2008.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    We are currently building this city, please stay tuned as our builders In KHV will be as quick as possible. ​

    .:What Its About:.
    A funny little Idea I had xD For this game to work, everyone must take part In making this city come alive!! Stickman city Is the same as any old city with houses, jobs, buildings, parks, malls etc. But YOU make them! There will even be streets, roads ANYTHING that takes part In a city.

    Well, everyone gets at least two buildings they can make each week, so you're only aloud to make TWO BUILDINGS a week. What you ARE aloud to make as much as you want Is small things you would find In a city, such as Billboards, job advertisements etc. Make anything you want In Paint, Photoshop, Gimp or any program you like! Its your city, so don't be shy to make anything.

    Okay, so, you're aloud to make two different things for your building. One must be 80x80 BIRDS EYE VIEW so I can fit It on a map. The other one can be..200x200 which will be the OUTSIDE/NORMAL view of your building. I'm afraid I'll have to choose where your building/billboard/house etc. will go because It'll be too confusing with everyone being all 'mine goes there' Me: Where? O_o
    But to make It fair, I wont make anything except for the sign and the outside of the map xD Okay?

    If you're a little confused, just make a 200x200 Building (Front) and a 80x80 Birds eye view of The same building. I'll do the rest.

    EDIT: That Reminds me! Post your Building But NOT the Birds eye view. PM The Birds Eye View to me and I'll be making the map
  2. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥

    MY PIE SHOP!!!!
    My hair is funny.
  3. Shade Tail Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 24, 2006
    Confetti on the roof :D

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