
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Garxena, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008

    you kinda have a point
    people like those kkk bitches
    i hate them
    they are full of stereotyping shit
    its fake hate though

    well its not like we are expecting a baby
    me and my girlfriend wanna do it but we are gonna do it with potection
    but still something might go wrong
    something unexpected
  2. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    *coughcough*Some of those stereotypes were actually funny*coughcough*

    Back to serious matters. You're right, these should stop. And because some people believe in these stereotypes the ones who are insulted don't get the same opportunities as everyone else. Mainly because of their nationality, which is real sad ;_;

    I'm sorry, if its an honest joke, nothing intentional than the person or group of people shouldn't have the need to get angry/frustrated. Like Catfish said, Australia is multi-cultural and I think that the true Australians are the Aboriginals, they've lived here for millions of years and no-one seems to care about them until now when they're on verge of extinction. I'm not fully Australian and the white people you see roaming around here are most likely English desendants or Europeans [liek myself]

    I don't think that people should be judged because of their nationality or culture. It's cruel to do that X|

    lmao. rofl. I was expecting something like that too x3
  3. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    My point is that you never know the case. That's where the stereotype gets hurtful. It happened to one of my friends a year ago, and she was put into the 'irresponsible teen' group. It wasn't her fault, but she decided not to get an abortion.
  4. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    Ugh, stereotypes are so annoying. They're a way for people to think they know you before they actually do. Basically, it makes people feel wise about the world and makes them assume they can guess who you are before they know. It doesn't help that movies and television group certain traits with certain "types" of people. You know, always making the blonde ditzy or the cheerleader a whore. Some originality (i.e. realism) would be nice. In reality, nobody falls completely into a stereotype or label. In fact, if I did, I would hate it, because it would mean I was predictable. I care a lot about my grades and get mostly A's, but I also suck at math and listen to alternative music. What label does that fall into? None. Most people don't fall into stereotypes (I don't think I've met anyone who completely has), and that's because most people are actually interesting. I hate when people jump to conclusions because of what someone wears or what their passion is. So, people are saying straight guys can't like to dance? Hispanics can't be intelligent? Mexicans can't be legal immigrants?

    It makes my blood boil.
  5. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    GOD!! I hate stereotypes....especially the one that says

    I am Mexican so I MUST jump over borders....

    It also bothers me when people (like my mom) actually believe in stereotypes.....
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Not to mention all the other ones about Latinos
    I speak Spanish so I MUST be Mexican and illegal
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I’m an ATHEIST, so I MUST hate the world.

    Not too far off. More like apathy, but we don't have time for rational thought.
  8. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    lol I was looking for the one that said I'm AUSSIE, so I MUST have a pet kangaroo

    I'm GREEK, so I MUST live in the acropolis

    I'm NEW ZEALEANDER, so I MUST like fush and chups

    Stereotypes are annoying. for one thing, you could get a muslim who is very anti-war and very anti-terroism, and yet he's being discriminated because of it! Stereotypes are irritating, but we should just let hem pass, its not something to get all worked up about.
  9. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    i really hate this one
    im Cuban so im a loud mouth and always talkin shit
    im cuban but im quiet and stuff so yeah
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I'm BI so I MUST be a whore.
    I'm BLACK so I MUST be ghetto.
    I LIKE ANIME so I MUST be a dork.


    Well not really. I just get really annoyed. Stereotypes are really annoying but I hardly ever really get angry about them, I just joke around with the person. I mean, unless their seriously trying to insult me. In most cases, they're not.
  11. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    I'm bias, so I MUST be stereotyping against SOMEBODY.


    Seriously though, there will always be a reason to not like a certain group or race of people, even if you swear blind you don't stereotype. Thats bias, and it will always be there. I am bias and wary of many different people, even though some of them are actually my closest friends. What we should be worrying about is discrimination - acting on that bias.
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I'm HOMOSEXUAL so I must be GAY.
  13. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    Gay originally meant Happy, so yes that is a very good point.
  14. K u r o g a n e Traverse Town Homebody

    May 14, 2009
    Malfoy Manor
    Honestly people should stop with such stereotypes because they just change the way you look at the people around you in negative ways.
  15. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    That's what I'm getting at!! :D Short and sweet, and really makes a point. ^^
  16. Vanitas Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 1, 2007
    I havent read this topic, so I dunno if Im stating some old things here.

    The truth is that some stereotypes seem to pay off. Why? You know they estimate the viewers for TV-shows by having small group of different people for different types. There you have it. People can be stereotyped to get very realistic estimated viewer counts.

    Just to give you something to think about.

    Also we remember people better, if we stereotype them.
    "Oh, that guy. Who was he again..."-->"Ah, that NERD-guy, yeah I remember!", "That jewish guy blabla"

    Oh yeah, but still... Stereotyping sucks big time :P
  17. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    I think stereotypes are stupid. It tells you if you don't do this, then you're not that. And all deserve to be respected.
  18. Repliku Chaser

    Stereotypes are lame. However, they are based off an instinct that some people abuse and let go farther than it was more than likely intended to go.

    How are they derived off instinct? Labeling in itself is normal for us to do and rather intuitive. We do base first impressions off those we meet to know whether we should talk to a person, ignore a person, think the person is interesting, assume the person could be dangerous, etc. Certainly, based on past experiences, we are going to react differently to someone who is dressed in a business suit with a glass of wine in his hand versus someone who's on the street wearing hip hop clothing or biker attire and has a beer in hand. We're going to react to seeing a soldier in full get up differently than someone who is wearing tye-dye and sprouts peace signs over their clothing, or to someone who is wearing skulls, black clothes and has a chagrined look about him or her. These first impressions we get are normal and well sometimes they may even just spare you a lot of pain if you avoid a person who looks like they are going to be trouble.
    i.e. Should you go out with the girl at the bar who is flirting with all of these guys and clearly looks like she's promiscuous if you are the type of guy that would like a real relationship with a girl? Probably not. You're more than likely to be hurt, even if she is eying you and you know you might be able to get laid.

    There are all sorts of instinctive reactions we get from first impressions. However, it is also important to realize that these first impressions can be tainted by prejudice, or former bad experiences. This is where stereotyping comes in and carries on. A first impression is what it is. You can never know a person inside and out based on it, so if this impression carries on even after you've dealt with the person, conversed etc, you are pretty much limiting yourself and also wasting another person's time.
    i.e. Some guy who happens to be black and wears hip hop clothing is likely to be more than just his clothes and attitude he puts forth at first meeting. He could like a variety of stuff that some people would consider to be not right for where they've at first classed him. What if the guy doesn't like rap so much and instead likes metal? What if he doesn't want a 'thug' life and steers clear of drugs and gang stuff and likes many of the things you happen to such as the same music, video games, etc? Clothes only make the person as far as the first impression goes. After that, they aren't so important.

    I'm Native American and dye my hair with red streaks and have piercings and such. I wear black a lot and often was put into stereotypes of being a metal head or goth. However, I also love hip hop, rap, goth music, metal, broadway musicals, some classic music, and music of all genres, though not really into country at all. I play video games and love sports and being outdoors in nature too. I like to dance and go out with friends and have fun and also like to read and do things alone. I can dress up formally or just be my regular relaxed self, wearing t-shirts and baggy pants with sandals or sneakers. High School was annoying for me because people used to constantly try to stereotype me to a group and yet had the damndest time of it. However, once I figured out that I could just be myself, talk to who I wanted and who would talk to me, I made friends with many people who were not of a 'clique' or even if they were, they'd still want to hang out because I was 'different' and yet I was amiable. In school or hell, sometimes out of school, people lay on what they 'expect' you to be.

    Expectations go hand in hand with stereotyping. That's another thing to learn that well, instinct can save you on first impressions, but placing expectations on others without knowing them is just wrong after that point. If the person is amiable and seems sincere, why should I think he or she's out to get me just based on their appearance? Why do I think that some guy dressed in Texan sort of attire is a biased **** head? Why do I think that the guy with clear eyes and yet dressed in metal clothes has to be a stoner? Why is the person who looks to be in emo clothing suddenly depressed and needs psyche help even though she's laughing and playing around? The only way to kill off some expectations on people is to really start getting to know people more than just by that first impression and to -ask- them who they really are. Stereotypes don't really permit that as you've already gone to the length to place the person in a group and that group has -rules- to its membership.

    Of course, having said all that, there are some people out there who really strive to fit into stereotypes. i.e. if someone is wearing a swastika and shaves his head bald and has 'white supremacy' written on his notebooks, I think we can safely assume he wants to be a skinhead through and through and that he's pretty prejudiced against anything other than the Aryans. Some girls and boys in school really do try to push belonging to stereotypes so strongly in order to fit in they call what others do as stupid etc. Even though in secrecy, they too may do the same things. For these sorts of people, image is very important because without it, could they fit in? So, some people, we may just never get a chance to know other than what they present forth, which is to be so much a part of a clique and stereotype that it makes stereotypes valid for others to use.

    So, yeah, there's my take on stereotypes and I do feel that they are a waste of time in the end and cause more harm than good. However, some people are going to keep perpetuating them and other people are going to see reasons why they should still exist because of those people. The best the rest of us can do is see them for what they are and just be ourselves and let people know the real us if they are brave and real enough to cross their first impressions of us.