NASHVILLE, Tennessee - Handguns will soon be allowed in bars and restaurants in Tennessee under a new law passed by state legislators who voted to override the governor's veto. The legislation that takes effect July 14 retains an existing ban on consuming alcohol while carrying a handgun, and restaurant owners can still opt to ban weapons from their establishments. Thirty-seven other states have similar laws. Read more here:
That's really stupid and dangerous. People get drunk in bars, and if they get angry and are drunk, and decide to use the weapon, then somebody will die, if not themselves.
A step in completely the wrong direction. Gun ownership should be curbed, not expanded. I await the day that it is heavily restricted.
Is that for the citizen in the Bar? Or the Bar owner themselves? I would understand the Bar Owner, for protection from Rebelious Drunks, but for a Drunk themselves is idiotic. They should know better.
I agree with this. Why should gun licenses become more permitted. I can't believe they're going ahead with it. Its quite illogical actually. When you think about it, don't they always say that violence is never the answer? So why would they allow this concept? I can understand self-defence, but if its something as stupid as getting drunk and murdering then I would really hate to see an innocent person die because of this new law. Its freaking ridiculous!
On that day, criminals will take over, and we will become extremely vulnerable to outside attack. My favorite quote in these situations is from a prominent WWII Japanese general - Take away the rifles, and what do you have? A weak, undefended country. On topic, though, yea, allowing guns iun bars is a terrible idea.
However, the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms, is out-dated in my opinion. When the amendment was first written, it was necessary because they didn't have proper law enforcement that they could call up and in minutes, a cop would be there to help. If there was trouble, they needed protection and they needed it fast. Guns are still weapons, they kill. In the wrong hands, it could create more harm than good. That's not to say fire arms should be completely banned, but before a person can buy a gun, they should have a psychological analysis to see who they are, if they are mentally stable, if they would use a gun for the wrong reasons, etc. before they can get a license to weild those weapons.
America has the wrong mindset to handle a gun in every household. You have an army and law enforcement for a reason. You don't see people in the UK cowering in their homes because everyone on the street doesn't have a gun. I really don't see how "national security" is an issue here.
If all we had to deal with were criminals, I might agree with you. Have you ever seen the movie Red Dawn? Great movie, made in the 80s, I think, that completely emphasizes my position. If someone ever does invade, I don't want to be helpless because the 2nd Amendment is no longer valid. I want to fight, by any means necessary.
eh either way i hope that if this law passes that the jonas brothers miley cyrus and every main cast member from high school musical walks in on a drunken gun battle and dies really that would be the 1 and only good thing that could come of this
I can see both sides of this argument. Naturally, alcohol impares your judgement and weapons are the worst case scenario if a bar fight grows out of hand. This feels like a step back into the wild west. However, if you are carrying a concealed weapon permit and decide you want to walk into a bar to meet friends I think that you should be allowed to and not be forced to head home and lock up the gun only to head out again. If you have a concealed weapon, you have it for a reason. Obviously, no matter which of these arguments you look at, fire arms are dangerous even in trained hands. Bars are one area that guns shouldn't be allowed in my opinion.
Wow, this is a really dumb idea. I agree with the second amendment and all, but it's just common sense not to put people in a position of danger if someone has a burst of impaired judgment.