I still have this installed on my computer and Spiral Knights and Wakfu. ...yet I don't play them. Ever. They're there to fill my desktop.
Lol. I stopped playing it when I blew up my weapon. :C Because it was just too much work to get another one again (Plus I did push it too far, it was an amazing weapon) I think I was level 90ish Ranger.
You implied an age group for the game, or that you grew out of it, in a thread about someone playing it at a much later age. It looks like you meant to be offensive. Do you understand?
Christ. That's what first got me into the game. I joined guild from another forum years ago. NEVER AGAIN
Quoted for spelling out in graphic detail why someone is a troll. Whats more amazing... despite Maplestory's childlike appearance... it is actually a very deep and difficult game. I doubt anyone around age 9 or 10 could navigate the freemarket for a good deal, finish a typical JQ, let alone build a team capable of taking on Zakum or Horntail... Let alone Cygnus. By the way... this party is all maxed out with every character at peak the game will let you reach...
Yeah i'm not sure how you blow up a weapon either....and if you guys formed a guild, I'd play again just for you guys. XD I never really got far on Maple Story, even though I strived to get a level 200 character. I mainly played it because I wanted to know more about the story and because my cousins played it on Windia. It was a good way to stay in contact. Sort of.
Don't worry, I never got far either XD My strongest character at one point was like. Level 35 or something.
xD There's these things called Scrolls that make your weapons stronger. But they're a gamble. For example, there's a scroll that has a 60% chance of working. If it fails, nothing really happens. But you lose something called a "Scroll Slot" which each weapon has a set number amount of. But there's also something called Dark Scrolls,. They're more powerful. But one of these scrolls for example has a (If I remember correctly) 50% chance of success, 30% of doing nothing, and 20% chance of blowing your weapon up, which means it's basically deleted out of existence. Now, in my case I was using a certain scroll that didn't use scroll slots and it kept working. And I really pushed it >_> To the point where my weapon became really amazing and well, I eventually blew it up. I think I did on purpose so I could stop playing the game though, haha.
Recall MapleStory Suddenly contact all my friends and alert them that I will be unable to socialize for a few years.
Ohhhh I see. Yeah I didn't really know what to do with scrolls, since I didn't like to gamble. And I didn't know how to sell them....so they just kind of piled up. My cousins told me that I have a lot of rare scrolls or something though. Or at least high priced scrolls. Since I like to do quests and they don't.