because they couldnt handle the number of people showing up at the auditions, literally everyone gets a chance to be that punk that destroys the evil empire or something. or his sister. that was separated at birth. this sounds familiar.....
I feel like a hypocrite for wanting to audition for this since I don't care for Star Wars that much. Still, an audition is an audition (I even freaking auditioned for the Vagina Monologues).
Alas! My eternal dream of playing "Rachel" in the post-trilogy Star Wars, mercilessly crushed by the boot of industry, shattered! Excuse me while I put on Stormtrooper armour so I can die an incompetent death.
It's funny because that Thomas character sounds a lot like me, the only problem being I'm not too athletic, and maybe not too handsome....but I suppose maybe they should define "handsome". There are many levels of that out in the world.
I might be a bit too old, but then again I looked young enough to be under 16 in Divergent (albeit in the background...) So I might as well give it a shot.
Handsome and athletic I can get, but smart? I thought acting was a job you didn't have to have traditional intelligence in, social at best, but it's about replicating social behaviour. Don't have to be smart to do that. Side note, I know a couple people who have gone to the London casting call, meeting them tomorrow, wonder how they did.
hello everyone i will be playing padme skywalker because i am a direct clone of natalie portman's beauty and also i love political intrigue so i will have plotlines besides standing in rooms and wearing weird outfits