I grew up playing the Battlefront games somewhat, so while I admit I'm curious as to what the next game will be like, I'm not so concerned about it at the same time. It just didn't feel like there was anything new to it between the first 2 games, and unless they changed something drastically, it doesn't really seem worth it to me.
you just know this is going to suck it's going to wreak of modern gaming headaches and not have any of the charm that gave Battlefront it's identity and made it entertaining. I hate to be so negative, but unless I'm mistaken, we already know it's going to be a fps with a Star Wars skin. Part of what made Battlefront so entertaining was that it was primarily third person. It didn't feel like I was playing a shooting game. I was playing a Star Wars game that had shooting in it.
I am PRAYING EA and DICE do not ruin the spirit of the Battlefront series. The last thing we fans wanna see is a Battlefield game with a Star Wars skin slapped on top of it. With what they showed the past year, I am hopeful for the game. This reveal will probably make the decision of those sitting on the fence.
I was initially concerned over the announcement of a special Star Wars edition PS4, as I already own one yet have no self-control when it comes to Star Wars merchandise, but I'm glad to say I'm really not digging either the console or the controller. The Vader decal looks like an amateur vector job (and the perspective isn't working for me on it), nor do I like the repeated logo. On the controller, save for the logo, it really just looks like someone added custom colored buttons and sticks to a regular DS4. And it seems to be a glossy black, eugh. Give me a Stormtrooper PS4 or give me death. Obviously I'm quite excited for classic Star Wars games to make it to the PS4. I'm sure everyone can guess which ones I have in mind.
I don't honestly understand why I'm so excited for this game; I can only guess because it represents a large part of my childhood. But seriously, I'm more excited to wrap a line around a giant four legged machine's legs then I am to go to Mexico. And that's saying something. I really hope this game delivers, because a disappointment would just be the cherry on top of the pie for these guys.
Rogue One-themed DLC for the game will drop on December 6, adding Jyn Erso and Orson Krennic as playable heroes, with four new maps based on scenes from the movie, including a game mode that can shift between ground and space battle. source
It's strange. Hearing the words "ground-to-space battles "was one of my biggest dreams to have in Battlefront. I guess I'm just tired of EA's treatment to their games, especially one that tugged on my childhood. I don't think any amount of new "content" is gonna convince me to buy this game. Perhaps I should have faith in their next one, but I may be expecting too much.