Somewhat of an old game. I was going through my games folder to clean up some stuff, and I ended up playing BFII for two hours. xD I'm Legendary in all but two things. 8D *shot* Overall it's a fun game. Some of the comments the bots make if you go on a killing spree are funny. Discuss?
Ohh dude, one of my favorite games of all time. I love playing as the Jedis. Capture the flag is fun too. I kinda like it more than Halo's multiplayer.
I <3 That Game! I love playing as Darth Maul. Double blade lighsaber ftw. and you can electrocute random dudes when your the emperor!
:wow:COOL I've heard of this game. but I didn't know much about it. I really should get this game. It sounds pretty cool.
Oh, i love this game. I remember one day me and my friend spent the whole day conquering the galaxy five times, haha. Once as each faction and then once with cheats. I especially love the game mode(i forget what it's called) where it's all the heroes versus each other. Yoda ftw.
I think it's a Greatest Hits now, so it shouldn't be hard to find. :3 Assault on Mos Eisley. I play as Boba. FLAMETHROWER FTW.
I like to take the main ship, land in the enemy carrier, and blow stuff up. It's awesome. xDD Especially as a Marine class. 'Tis pwnsome indeed. =D
One time me and my friend one a space battle by sheer number of kills. We both had around 90. I dunno if it was like a glitch or something but they just kept coming out into the landing space and so we stood next to the ammo droid and just got headshots until we won. That was a fun round.
Yeah, there's interesting programming at times. Like on Kamino, where if you play as CIS/Rebels the Republic/Empire units keep coming up the bridge. I got 126 kills once. It was awesome. xD
MAN!!! I LOVE THIS GAME!! I LIKE PLAYING AS Darth Vader with the infinite flight code on! you fly around for ever! ITS FUN!
Oh My God Nostalgia trip. My friends and I were obsessed with this and even more so with the original.
Ah yes, the days of Stormtrooper suicide. This game was a rather fun addition to 3rd person shooters. Mines are the most powerful weapon in the game, able to kill most vehicles in one hit. Yoda FTW