YO FOOS STAR BOMB DROPPED TODAY! WHAT? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT STAR BOMB IS? Why, it's the collab between Egoraptor and NinjaSexParty, of course! And it's actually pretty funny with some really nice beat droppin'. Anyone else listen to it yet? Any thoughts?
My favourites have to be Mega Marital Problems, Sonic's Best Pal, and Regretoid. But the whole album was amazing. Can't wait for the second album. (also looking forward to the other music videos) Edit: Also is it just me but has GameGrumps been doing amazing things ever since Dan joined in >_>
I think it's just because it opened up to the whole crew, not just because of Dan. Dan and Arin did music. Suzzy getting involved encouraged board games with Barry. And Ross encouraged Steam Train.
I really wanna know how much was scripted. But yeah, def can't wait for more. Wish they'd upload 'em to youtube though... Then there's Hunting Monsters too. I think because of the fanbase and the crew expansion, it's just naturally expanded due to Arin being ambitious. If Jon were here, it'd actually probably be in the same place minus the music... Which is upsetting. THANKS DANNY! marioismyfavorite Dusty winning so many threads lately is blowing my mind.
it's dangerous to go alone mega martial problems crasher-vania The Simple Plot of Final Fantasy 7 only songs i liked
It would be neat if they actually did end up getting sued. Some of the songs are pretty great, the one about FFVII's plot was hilarious.
I listened yesterday and it made me laugh a few times, prolly gonna check out the rest while avoiding studying tonight. get out