Today, KHV, I reveal to you that little more than two year ago I preformed...INCEPTION The entire course of events from two years ago can be viewed here But for those of you afflicted with the tl;dr I shall explain I posted a masterfully crafted thread stating that What? should become the newest member of the staff team, and was met with SERIOUS OPPOSITION from DPWolf and Misty But I continued to field their arguments as more normal members and premiums began to slowly convert to my way of thinking, I could see the idea was catching on. Soon it would catch on in the mind of the rainbow assembly as well. I slowly began to show the active rainbows that all of their perceptions and conceptions about some of their other team mates being active in their pursuit of color control was in fact nothing but DREAMS When I finally left their rainbow filled dream world many of them were somewhat butthurt but as I left I could see many of them slowly realizing the truth. They slowly began to see the light. They saw the savior I had picked out for them, and were starting to accept the idea of him being one of their rainbow clad heroes. After that I left for a time and traveled the dream world freely. But when I returned around a year later, I saw the beautiful inquiry in his crimson glory. I knew I had succeeded. I had performed... INCEPTION
"Explaining humor is a lot like dissecting a frog: You learn a lot in the process, but in the end you kill it." ~Mark Twain
He might be able to laugh circles around, but our live action joker can do evil circles around the cartoon one