Square-Enix KH2FM+'s Advertisment Chart

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have no idea how this was grabbed, or how they grabbed it. But Square-Enix has a chart for exactly how they will be advertising Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, including TV Commercials, Magazines, ect.


    With this out, we can now confirm that a TVCM should be put on the web soon for viewing/download. And also that all paid-for advertisements will end during April.

    Source: 2ch poster #789
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 12, 2007.

    1. kitty_mckechnie
    2. KHgamer17
      Does it make anyone else nervous that we can see a chart like this, but yet we haven't had the slightest hint of a North American, (or outside of Japan if you arent in the US), release? I'll be devastated if I can't get my hands on this game, and I'm starting to get really nervous.
    3. Soushirei
      Publicity campaigns are done separately for each region.

      Square is obviously focusing on Japan's campaign right now. Hopefully we'll learn more about a possible NA release after FM+ is out in Japan.
    4. twilightsora13
      *keeps hoping for an NA release*

      maybe, once the japan promotion gets more under way, there will be more info on a US release? at least I hope....
    5. Moonfox531
      Actually I've heard from internet sources (and close pals) that KH2:FM+ should be coming out in the states October of this year. Which will be cool if it's true, and confirmed by Square. :D (Though they probably won't say anything until after they've gotten it out in Japan and things are settled down.)
    6. kitty_mckechnie
      yeah a U.S release would be pretty sweet, lets all cross our fingers. *crossing fingers* :D
    7. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      Weather it comes to the US or not, I'm still getting it, so...thanks Xaldin!