No Thanks Sports Discussion Forum?

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Hakurei Reimu, Sep 19, 2007.

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  1. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    And i understand all your points because they are my feelings as well. It's possible to just say whatever and have sport threads in the spam zone...but I still feel as though maybe just having a sub section to the spam zone for this kind of stuff.

    I can understand that the staff has more important things to worry about at the moment with running the rest of the site and may have shot this down from a lack of support / staff to run it and I respect that.

    But I have to say that the site is growing, and maybe this could be another means of growth and interaction amongst fellow sports fans.
  2. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    If we allow a sub-forum in the spamzone, eventually ppl will start demanding/suggesting a whole bunch of other subforums in the same place. It's like a domino effect, and it's not gona end up well if we topple the first thing. All's aside, I think the staff as already address this subforum issue and have gd standpoints about why they wouldn't do so...

    And honestly, it doens't necessary have to be in the spamzone. If u REALLY want to make some kind of thread, maybe you can make a sports family. That way, the staff goes on with their regular lives, those who wants to put this idea into action gets their way, and then every1's happy. (ok, at least happier than they are right now)
  3. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    There's no need to say that I'm all in right?
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    Sports sub section yes please, I see it other sites and it can work well <3 besides, this site incorporates a lot that isn't strictly KH.

    As for members demanding more sections etc etc, well they do that anyway.

    Sports family wouldn't work, there are like 347856345645146566345796342678965178961365187563478156438956143578134657841365978134`6513458061345813475634756917561457961349 sports, no way can a serious discussion be held in just one thread, plus not everyone likes every sport.

    If it can be done, this has my support.

    Sports sub section yes please.
  5. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I see nothin' wrong with a Sports sub section (i'd say spam to start off with as a trial, then maybe Anything else sub section). It'd be a nice addition to the site since i know there are quite a few sports fans here.

    So, kitty gives her lick of approval.
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Could it not go in "Interests"? if it is put in spam to begin with then it might mean it is spammed out right from the off, it is harder to stop spamming once it has started. If it goes wrong then it can be moved to spam?
  7. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Perhaps if it's popularity grew, then aye in Interests, but you'd have to give it it's own section for that. Ok, i agree with you on the spam thing, people would spam it up first id it were in the Spam section.
    I'd say Anything Else then maybe Interests if it grew.
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Cool cool, but it would need it's own sub section anyway wouldn't it? xD I definitely agree on not starting it in spam.

  9. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    lol, aye, but it would really fit into any of the current catagories there: ID, Art etc etc. Unless we created some sort of Hobbies (lol, Hobits) section.
  10. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    A section for hobits? xDD Then the elves would complain o:

    xD I know what you mean. Hmm okies, Anything Else to begin with then xD
  11. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    I like this idea lots

    I myself have been wondering if there would be a sports thread or section coming up, and it sounes like a grand idea Destined

  12. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    meh, I dunno...I still think something's not gona turn out right. But if u guys wana give it a shot, I'm fine with that...
  13. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    It would help if you said exactly what you thought would go wrong xD besides what you already said as that has been answered.

  14. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    well, most of my concerns were on pg 1. No need for more restatement... =/
  15. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    Okies and here are my replies to your concerns.

    Ok well all the problems there are if it is ONE thread, well it wont be ONE thread it will be a small sub section, the reason the idea failed before was because of its lack of relevance to KH, well as you can see, there is a lot about this site that isn't relevant to the game series :3

    Spam can be dealt with, flame wars can be dealt with and are done so regularly.

    Erm your lack of faith in the staff ability to handle spam and flame wars is worrying o_o;

    Let them demand what they want, that is what the suggestions section is all about, people put forward ideas, some are good, some not so good :3 maybe encouraging people to suggest more things is a good thing xD hell knows the site could do with some livening up. A sports family wouldn't work for the reasons I stated earlier.
  16. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    ..I don't like sports very much so I cant say I really enjoy this Idea xD But Its really not up to me and If It will allow people to get to know each other a little bit more, I'm all for It.

    The only thing I am worrying about Is If It will turn out like the Movies and Media section with threads like:

    I really like Cricket, does anyone else like It?


    If you play Cricket post here!

    Or something like that. I'm sure Its probably just me being paranoid but do we really want another section with people getting free posts? The other thing, If we put It In the Spamzone It will probably turn out as a second Spamzone with sports related topics.

    If the Staff have a sectional Mod In the Subforum who can control all this I will be very glad to have a Sports Subforum. (Anyway, I'm sure the Staff will have a sectional Mod In there whether I'm concerned or not)

    So yeah, If we can control the Spamming and useless posts, I'm all for It.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    I said it before and I will again. Despite not being a great fan of all sports and such, I really think it is a good idea to have a sub-forum for it. Some of us do like to talk about sports and it can get lost in all of the sections in spam zone. I doubt there is just a small amount of people that like at least one sort of sport and people also might like it for the Olympics discussions, as well as playoffs, etc. Any sport could go within it in topics. I think it's a great idea and hope this time it will actually succeed.

    Also, I have confidence that flame wars etc will be dealt with and people know the rules don't change just because a new sub-forum or topic is added. If they go too far, they know the penalties. I vote YES! I also do not think a 'Sports Family' is the right approach as CtR said. It just wouldn't work that well and people who just want to come in and talk about certain sports or events would well, not want to waste time joining a family for it. Sports are seasonal.
  18. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    It's not a bad idea. And it seems the users actually are starting to want it.

    Approved~ *goes to work on Sara making it reality*

    (yeah holy sh*t, this is another form of good that comes from having this section)

    EDIT: There, suggestino approved and made reality. Congrats.

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