WHOA! HOLY CRAP! I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS! THIS GAME IS FREAKING AWESOME! I mean the other stages all suck except for Civilization and space. BUT THEN THE GAME GETS AWESOME! I MEAN! I LIKE MAKE A CREATURE THAT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE FREAKING LUGIA FROM POKE****INGMON! AND I MAKE THE PLANET EXPRESS SHIP AS ONE OF MY VEHICLES! PLANET EXPRESS MAN! AWESOME! Anyway, yeah. I like the game. Nice break from Team Fortress 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Spore_civphase.jpg WIKIIIIII!
I cant wait to get this game. People complain about DRM but I've never had to install a game more than twice. I hear especially awesome things about the space level. I've played the prototypes so I have some idea of what to expect, but im sure the full thing will be awesome. I could also use it as a break from TF2~
Hm... it looks interesting... and by what people are saying so far... now I want to buy it and try it! :D
I have played a demo for it on the DS, and a friend of mine plays it. I would really like to play the full game myself, but I really don't think that my computer could handle, it could barely handle the Sims 2. D:
I heard that it's terrible and my resources wouldn't lie because we are game experts! (sounds nerdy but i'll get rich of what i'm doing XD) I forgot the reasons why they thought it was bad if I remember them i'll put them up.