Spoilt Children The Way Of The Future?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Aug 20, 2007.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I have been watching various hows over the summer and one that peeked my intrest the most was, 'My Super Sweet 16'.
    I will tell you now that I loath this show.
    I see these children who get anything they want, whatever the cost and if it isn't done the children start screaming and arguing.
    Now, tell me, is this what we should really be bringing up children in a world like this?
    Telling them they can get what they want and be spoilt and mean?
    I say F****** NO!
    I personally would like to see them all put into a jungle for a reality TV show and see how long they last! And I am not joking!
  2. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
    Yep I hate That Show it's all about Brats getting what they want!!!!!
    OOC: Is it me or is Peace and War the really intelligent one here? She's the one always comming up with discussions!
  3. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    i hate that show too.
    i see alot of kids at stores throwing tantrums if thier parents dont get them something they want, and i dont mean little kids. some are like 10 or 11. isnt it pathetic?
  4. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    I don't watch the show, so I wouldn't know. I actually saw one episode, and the girl wasn't bratty/selfish/spoiled at all. They were just rich, and the parents were actually glad to help.
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I can't stand spoiled children. My mom brought me up to be a practical person who can fend for herself and I can't stand when parents bring up their children to be accustomed to getting everything they want. When I see children throwing tantrums in stores I feel like slapping the parent. :/
  6. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    I've watched the show several times. To be honest, I don't diss them at all. They have money, they wanna' make their son or daughter happy, they do what they do. They're spoiled because their parent's made them spoiled. Not all people are like that. Those are just a few, most people don't live B.I.G like "My Super Sweet 16". They won't be the future, but they will be included in it ;]
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I think it's pretty dumb how these children/kids get all they want, too. It really makes me want to lock them up and torture them, almost (not really, but it's the feeling I have). I mean, they get all this stuff while people are suffering and dying. How selfish of most of these kids to just think it's unfair they don't get something.

    Pisses me off.
  8. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I agree.

    I find it terrible that parents actually lack the brains in that show. I find it kinda funny, since they look like dimwitted monkeys to me.

    I remember one episode...this girl threw a damn fit because her car didn't come on the day of her party. Threw off everything, apparently.

    Those girls need a SLAP IN THE FACE.
  9. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I can understand that it's their 16th birthday and everything but some of the demands these girls make. And it seems that they need to have an extreme party, need a car, need a top of the line dress that they'll wear a whole of once.

    ugh it just makes me so irritated. Then when they don't get their way they throw this little b!tchfit. Yes I used that term since I feel it's appropriate.

    It's sort of like Bridezillas but starring 16 year old girls.
  10. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    Well what the heck... You guys have the same opinions as me... do I need to explain further? I think not.
  11. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Yea know what, I couldn't care less about what people do with their children. They can raise them with what ever standard they want. Because I know that when I get older, the fact that I was forced to grow up at the age of 14 will help me. These kids will never contribute to society at all, in anyway. They will live off their parents funds and have a shitty job working at a high class clothing store. Their resume will include nothing, cause they will not know what a hard days work really is, except for working a 6 hour day in air conditioning. These kids do suck, and I loathe them for acting like they do, but the blame goes to the parents, they are to blame for these mooching losers that we call the upperclass.
  12. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    I saw one where the little b!tch threw a fit because she got a porche SUV instead of a beamer...

    That show makes me want to vomit.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Spoiled kids amount to spoiled adults. They won't become much unless reality slaps them in the face and they realize that everyone doesn't get a car on their 16th birthday, they don't get humongous parties, and they don't get all the latest trends and fashions. I don't watch TV for reality shows as I find all of them are really mostly garbage and everyone acts so fake and ridiculous for their 15 minutes of fame. It should be more aptly titled "Real people who Act Stupid on TV" instead of "Reality TV".

    In the end, the parents should be smarter considering the fact that some of them had to grow up with strong work ethics to make the money they had. Sadly, they don't want to pass this trait onto their children, but instead make sure they are greedy little brats that grow up being mooches to whoever is unlucky and stupid enough to marry them. I can't even really be mad at them because in the end they will get what they deserve which is a life of emptiness with a bunch of material things but no real value of personal self and dignity. Money doesn't make someone a snoot. It's how you develop personally that does and some people are raised to believe they were made to suck the life out of everything around them to get what they want. In the end, they suffer for the lack of soul.
  14. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    Why are people proud of themselves whenever they say, 'I'm Spoiled! :D' gives me the creeps. my reaction:O_o
  15. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    I agree with that.

    People get pissed saying "wow, they're so spoiled, they don't know how much their wasting, etc."

    I mean why get pissed? Your getting angry because of their acts? What'll your anger do? I think nothing. As much as you hate them, you'll admit that the money they have, you at LEAST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE imagined or dream of having. Most of them are spoiled and dumb, and they'll lead into an unsuccessful life; which is their problem. Their parent's made them spoiled because they CAN make them spoiled. Most middle-class can't even TRY to make them spoiled. It's the fact that people are crazy about money.

    In my honest opinion, yes, I get pissed at the fact they get a freakin' bmw, get e-40 on their party, waste all that cash. Instead they could give it to charity, etc. But at the end, we'll know who'll get hit by reality and will be known as nothing for the rest of their lives, and those who try their best from their budget, try their hardest and end up being successful.

    I just had to say something leik that, no beef on anyone ;]]
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I would agree with you on this but the problem is that they are in our society.
    They have made a bloody program about it, and this is a bad influence on children, they'll want something fancy and expensive because someone on TV has it, especially true for females since most o f the people being followed on 'Sweet 16' are female, so they'll want fancy dresses, jewlry, parties, and so on.

    The parents are to blame, but they did not do it on purpose,, they only wanted to get everything they child wanted, asnice as that may be, it is not smart, since demands from the children will grow, until they are nothing but pampered spoilt evil little b!tches or b@stards! If these parents actually spent more time with their children then they job, maybe they wouldn't be so bad.

    Also a question, would anyone watch a program with these kids stuck in a jungle, like Reality TV?

    Hahaha, oh Xemnas, you don't know I am a male, do you? :D
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kids, are getting too spoiled. I mean, I look at my 17 year old brother every day, he want's something! Seriously I'm more responsible than him and I'm only 12. He has more things than me, I don't care, and you know what, he's a little snivilling ******* now.

    He talks the *&*& that comes out his ars. I think this will ruin the world, we're all seriously going into Devilution, which is people turning back into monkey's if you look around.

  18. Bou Banned

    Aug 21, 2007
    That Sweet 16 show is an embarrassment to America and any country that participates in the absolute crap that show perceives. The children on that show are absolutely horrible. Even the wrong car will set them off the wrong end. I would be glad to crash every one of their birthday parties. I can't believe that show even exists.

    I also think it's wrong for kids to get a car on their 16th birthday. You don't have enough driving experience anyway. Yet they ***** and whine until they get the perfect car so some guy/girl will go and **** them.

    I hope that spoiled children are not the future and that we can pull out of this crap. They all need to be slapped so hard, they need to be put out onto the streets in the shoes of those that only get one meal a day.
  19. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
    ....Obviously not...... Sorry, but I still stand by my point!
  20. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    I was actually watching that show the other day.

    And the girl threw a FIT because her hair wasnt style right.


    And then when the police "Busted" her party, her mom threw a FIT. She was cussing everywhere, DONT YOU DARE DO THIS TO MY DAUGHTERS PARTY!!! SOrta thing.

    It made want to go up and B!tch slap her.

    They get it from their parents. Its all I have to say.
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