Spoiler-Filled Question About Bioshock Infinite

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Hayabusa, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    First, here's a little cushion to keep people from being spoiled by previewing this post. And I didn't bother spoiler-tagging because it'd be annoying to try quoting.

    So, I generally understand the whole story and ending of the game pretty well, but there was one part that kinda confuses me about the plot:

    Booker, if he accepts his baptism after Wounded Knee, becomes Zachary Hale Comstock, who helps fund Rosalind Lutece's research into Tears, rips in time and space, since she was trying to reach her male version, Robert, and Comstock sees Columbia, which he later founds. However, Comstock becomes delusional and sterile due to exposure to the Tears. So, in order to have a child, he has such a Tear into the universe of Booker if he hadn't accepted the baptism, and has Robert Lutece take Anna away, absolving that Booker of his sins and paying his financial debts.

    So later in the game, the Booker we play as ends up killing Comstock after finding Elizabeth, and that Comstock makes no struggle for his life...but I'm wondering exactly why Comstock would allow himself to be killed? Is it because he doesn't know about the 1980's Elizabeth giving the 1912 Elizabeth the coded note, which would keep her and Booker from stopping Songbird and destroying the Siphon?
  2. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008
    I don't think it's ever explained, but from what I gather about the game Comstock had a plan all along. Probably from knowing a bunch of variables from using the Lutece's machine too many times he foresaw this part of the timeline happening. Maybe he doesn't "care" that he is killed because the main decision comes down to the baptism and unless he drowns himself another Comstock will be produced. Booker doesn't know that this has to be done at the time of killing Comstock and I don't know if Comstock thinks that Elizabeth will be able to gain control of all of her tear powers. It never states if he knows that Booker met with old Elizabeth in order to get the note for how to control Songbird so for all we know, that version of Comstock thinks Booker and Elizabeth are in the dark.
  3. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    As I suspect to be how the story works out...

    I really love the game and all, but I wish it went into a lot more depth on some things, rather than expecting the audience to get it. Vigors aren't explained at all other than Fink taking the idea from Rapture's Plasmids (Exactly how are they made? What is Salt? Don't they need the sea slugs from the first game? Why don't more people than Booker and the Firemen use them?)
  4. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008
    Yeah that's the thing, they definitely have so much left to explore and explain there - they made it so great environmentally, etc. but one downside I found about the game was that there was almost TOO much fighting once you get past the intro/getting around Columbia. Literally after that point it's shooting range after shooting range. Moments like Elizabeth singing "Will The Circle Be Unbroken?" and looking around were some of my favorite parts but I wish they expanded on more of the world. Unless something else blows this game out of the water (The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, etc.), I can see it being up for and winning GOTY.
  5. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Exactly how I feel. Again, I love the game, but I have to agree with some newly arising critiques about it having ho-hum shooter mechanics (many fights literally felt like retreads of previous ones) and underplayed elements, like Elizabeth's Tears (outside of plot points.)

    If only we got to see what would happen if Booker rowed...