358/2 Days Spoiler!! Axels real name + picture included!!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX' started by AxelFireDancer, Jun 2, 2009.

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  1. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    The creator only wanted one girl in the organization. So that would include the somebodie's staying as they were in fact male. Remember that they are the shells of their former selves. There could be some slight differences, in facial or hair, but it wouldn't change their sex. Just because Axel is more slender doesn't mean anything. There are other guys with slender bodies including ones in anime. It doesn't matter. Xigbar is just as slender as well, and we can guess who his somebody would be, but not saying it here.
  2. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Who in their right mind would ever think that Axel's somebody was a female? I can understand Marluxia, but Axel? Geez let's not go into these crazy ideas just because we know Axel's true name. That doesn't mean anything and the physique doesn't either. He's not femine what so ever. He doesn't have the womanly figure like Larxene with her hips and such. In my opinion I need to see facts and not speculate because of a name and the way the body looks.
  3. The hips thing is the Organization cloak mostly, for the women who wear it. Even Xion has her moments, and both Kairi and Naminé, who she took the appearance of, are sort of more refined and petite when you compare. I don't know why the graphics do that, but it seems a natural thing (except when we get side views). Maybe Larxene needed more curves to compete with Axel's hips with the cloaks xD. I doubt that would be the case if they've got another outfit. It's too bad we will never see Larxene in casual clothes. Either way:

    Axel is not a female.

    Because my dreams will shatter then T-T.
  4. silentserenity Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 2, 2009
    Planet Tokyo

    XD I totally agree with that.
    But, even if he is a female- -or wait. WAS. I will still love him all the same. :3
    Although now I believe also that it is not worth rushing into. I need proof, and I think personally that everyone looks the same in that cloak anyways. . so I couldn't really tell.

    And again.
    Lea 'Rea' is a unisex name, sooo. Yeahh.
  5. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    There is proof. If you watch the scene when he is discussing girls to Roxas on the Clock tower saying they are difficult at times. It concludes that he has been with girls in his somebody life. (I forget what day that was. Probably the day after Roxas back from Beasts Castle.) Not lesbian girls. Why do I say this, because Disney would never go for it.

    Orignally Square-Enix wanted their Sora and Riku to be gay, but Disney was agaisnt it so they brought in Kairi. They wouldn't allow any gay characters to associate with their name. So Square-Enix created Kairi.

    No, the organization do not look the same in their cloaks. Some of their physiques are different. If you look very closely, some have more muscle mass than others, and alter the top of their shoulder's, and have tighter gloves. There are among other things. As in what the novel states the cloak fits naturally to their body. So I guess it can be like a one size fits all.
  6. That's not really a spoiler. And...

    Where the hell did you hear that?
  7. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    At Comic Con. There were Square-Enix representatives there and some of them knew Normura so I was asking them about the new game and the conversation lead to that. They were the ones who said it. I put it in spoiler tags because it is optional if they want to click on it or not. There is also a website as well, but I would have to search for it.
  8. That's kind of odd to me, really. Very odd. Nomura sometimes talked about the beginning plans with KH, and explained on that Mickey was suppose to be the main character (though there was trouble with that with Disney), so they added Sora, Riku, and Kairi. The Keyblade was originally a chainsaw-like weapon, and the first sketches of Sora was an animal/human hybrid. Along with a lot of his thoughts.

    That does not sound at all like something SE would do when you take in all their games. Especially since Disney blatantly hosts Gay Parades in their theme parks.

    I'm taking that with a grain of salt here.
  9. silentserenity Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 2, 2009
    Planet Tokyo

    Oooooh~ I didn't know that. o.o;
    And I'm sorry, but that spoiler made me laugh. XD
    It's like, "Okay well. . Disney won't approve of Riku and Sora being gay so we'll just throw Kairi in there and make Sora prefer her over Riku!"

    haha poor Kairi.
    I agree with the cloaks though~ I realized it after watching a clip from 358/2 yesterday. ^ ^;
  10. Wingmaker Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 23, 2009
    In the qwantum paradox.
    You are 100% correct about Xemnas. And I agree with the idea of Lea being a girl... It would be really nice, and would get some good messages across, like opposing to sexism and to declare some things about the soul/body/heart thing which is the basis of Kingdom hearts.

    If i were Tetsuya Nomura I would make something like that since it would be really progressive and interesting.I don't think souls have a gender.So why not? ^^
  11. I don't agree with Axel being a girl. That takes way too many complications that are unneeded. And then we have to wonder if Larxene is really female. Granted, she has more balls than the Organization combined, but...really. No. Just. No. Corruption is not in store for me. I mean, if Axel was a female, and he has his memories, it would be awkward for him to suddenly switch from having a THIS to a THAT. Let alone act so male. Besides, it's stated Lea is unisex. Among all these other names:

  12. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Think of it this way.
    Pronounced: Lee-Ah

    Prounounced: Lee-Ah
    Prounounced: Lay-Ah

    Prounounced: Lay-Ah

    This should settle most the argument.
  13. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Actually that is more confusing.....-_-

    The way you pronounce it shouldn't even matter or even pertain to him being a female. Do you know how scary that would be if he was in fact a girl? *shutters* Gender bending is not natural and should be avoided. If that happened then it would be worst than the twist in the new game. Like I said the ONLY member that Nomura thought about one time of changing into a girl was Marluxia, but he changed his mind. Axel was NEVER mentioned in the project of changing sex. Nor would Nomura want to do that. Why? Because that would destroy his character of who he is. It would make him very awkward and screw alot of things up. Axel wouldn't be talking to Roxas about girls if he in fact was one. And Nomura wouldn't have even mentioned in an interview that Axel was based off of Reno except in a different world reality.. What's next are people going to make consumptions that Reno is a girl too?

    Nomura said that nobodies don't age therefore it wouldn't make sense to change the gender of a somebody that is male. Also nobodies are the outer shell of their somebody with minor differences. Minor not 360 turns....
  14. Marxaeus Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 25, 2008
    In the realm of the Fendipitous Eggmen!
    One thing people should take into account. This game was made by a Japanese company. Therefore the names would have a high chance of being something related to japan. Such as Sora, Riku and Kairis names. Soras name sounds very feminine, yet the name merely means sky in Japanese. They wouldn't have seen Lea as a name for a girl but more of a unisex name.
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