So apparently Sony has officially given up on "The Amazing Spider-Man" franchise and is studying three potential options. Work with Marvel Studios to add Spider-Man to the MCU. Either the Andrew Garfield version or a rebooted Spidey. Retool "The Sinister Six" to feature Spider-Man teaming up with his biggest enemies to fight a common enemy and have it be the final movie of the ASM-verse, OR do the same ****, but with a rebooted Spidey and villains. SHUT. DOWN. EVERYTHING. for five or six years, then reboot again. ASM2 must've NOT gone how they wanted at all.
I don't know about you guys but getting Tobey Maguire on the horn should be their FIRST course of action
excus, spidey needs to be a snarky. tobey could barely snark his way out of a paper bag, whereas i happen to be a master snar-- *shotshotshot*
i really just don't give a **** anymore. market's oversaturated with superhero flicks and all these bigwigs are gonna keep throwing money at it, without even implementing any sort of artistry. that said, guardians of the galaxy was the most ****ing fun i had at the theater in a long time, but my expectations for the only other comic flick i gave a **** about (ant-man) were pretty much demolished when edgar wright left production. but this wave has been building up over the past 8 years, it's gonna crash sooner or later.
What if they rebooted Spider-Man as a live-action TV show? With Peter already having obtained his powers before the events of the first episode? with me playing peter?
Only part of the original Spiderman trilogy I enjoyed was Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborne. But then again, I'm a longtime fan of Norman Osborne so... Tobey Maguire in the role. Only seen Amazing Spiderman once or twice and Garfield is more like the Peter Parker I know. Scrawny and making terrible one liners everywhere. I just want to see Taskmaster somewhere. Preferably in a Deadpool movie. All I want right there.
Well, it's kinda expected. TASM2 got mixed reviews (personally one of my favorite films of the summer), it was performed poorly in the (domestic) box office, and what they were originally planning to do was too much of an investment and would not draw the audience they want. And a lot of the blame comes from the studio. They make decisions in the script not for story, but for what they think can bring in a bigger audience, and listen to focus groups that don't understand storytelling. I just hope that they give us one more film with Garfield. When he's Spider-Man, he really showed what it meant to be a hero of the people.
Good riddance. The Amazing reboots are some of the worst film examples of soulless franchising in recent memory, following the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, the Bay-verse Transformers films, and any other Hasbro-franchise based prolonged ad. Even if the first three Spider-Man films had many of their flaws (third especially,) they all still managed to each convey more of the Spider-Man soul (especially Spider-Man 2) than the newest two. Garfield's fine for Peter, but the directors and writers did garbage jobs with him.
Guys, the source is Badass Digest. Move along, there's nothing official here. If you read the BAD article, you get their source: This is all speculation from a site called "HitFix." To clarify, he did not say that they would reboot Spider-Man. They want their Spider-Man to have some Avengers play dates. In reality, the Sinister Six movie, the Venom movie, and ASM3 are still being made and are very big productions. To clarify even further, it's rumor.
Yeah, I haven't heard about this from the news source I follow and they're pretty quick about things. We DO know that Marvel and Sony are in very serious talks for Spider-Man to cross over into an Avengers film at some point (something I absolutely do not want, but whatever), and that it's looking like it will happen, but this is the first I've heard about dropping the franchise. I don't see that happening to be honest, given all of the plans they already had. It seems like they're trying to push this franchise and until I hear from another source, I'm not inclined to believe that they're moving on after one flop. Not saying that it's not true, I'm just going to wait to hear from more sources before I buy into it.