Welcome to the year 3010. welcome to the year 3010, the age of the way things react when, your touch activates the world alive, and the way you sing can make anyone drive, a million miles just to here your voice, and what happens to the world is all your choice. you could create a beautiful plain, a magical place where it never rains, unless of course you don't feel fit, to stop the rain when you enjoy it, but you have the power to do what you feel, and what happens to the world will always be real. you could explore a giant cave, and in the distance you'd hear roaring waves, the way you did when you went to the beach, all those times when you tried to reach, a wonderful place where you could be free, but now you can, and the whole world will see. you could see the whole world if you'd like, and no one would stop you because you'd have the right, to come and go as you would so please, to run and jump and skip in the breeze, you could do as much as you'd want, like recreate Earth in a beautiful font. welcome to the year 3010, the age of the way things react when, your touch activates the world alive, and the way you sing can make anyone drive, a million miles just to here your voice, and what happens to the world is all your choice. Just... something I wrote. I might extend it or make it into a song. I dunno.
Take a life, leave a life. I stared out at the fields surrounding the mountain on which I stood. I didn't want to move but of course I knew I could. The field was spread out before me. the blowing grain did implore me. to jump off the hill and end the day. but I didn't want to end that way. the golden hills were very vast. the heavy winds were blowing fast. any other time, this would be a marvelous sight. as the sun was going down, and day would soon meet with night. but not when I just stand here staring. it makes me wish I felt uncaring. but would that make my problems any more elementary? could I deal with them more easily if I weren't as wary? I doubt it would make a difference whether my feelings were in a state of severence. it would still be too much to deal with. standing out on this beautiful cliff. so why not? why not just jump? why not fly, be free? at least for a couple seconds. and then I could see. the beauty, the paradise, to which I belonged. the place where no man had the right to be wronged. but, wait, I'm pretty sure, to me that that's what Earth is supposed to be.
Your vocabulary was a little disappointing, the only part I really liked was the fourth stanza, where the rhythym became a little more enjoyable to read. Please begin each line with a capital letter if you're going to end the previous one with a period. ;o The third stanza had dodgy rhyme, did you give up on finding rhyming words or something? xD The final couplet was lovely. <3
the hearts and the soul and the mind all connect To from a tapestry where points interesect To tell a story through the voice of the world As the fictitious hands that are forming it twirl While creativity, in a sense, is formed At the same time, the world is warmed By the heat and the glow of the theoretical textile Made up of each story's words and style While each saga's contents are not all the same, They all come from a place quite tame A place where the soul, heart, and mind all unite To form a tapestry of wonder and delight One could call it a universal web of inspiration Or the collective knowledge of every nation To which all will contribute at least one in their lives To the pool of ideas that will always thrive No matter how dull and no matter how bright, Wisdom is universal, and learning is right.