...yeah. Hope this poor excuse for a sig makes up for my last one. V.2, BW with extra lines for the ladies...;D
I like V1 better. The black and white on makes it feel a little empty. :/ Otherwise, this tag is great. I love it. The text is kinda sucky, but not that bad. Flow is great, and I really like the stock. Lower the opacity of the black & white pattern (the name of it escapes me) and the splatters need to be lowered too. I'm not really in love with those red lines in his hair either. Great job.
woo cin is back. Well, your flow is good and constant, the effects are awesome, but I say remove that splatter from the bottom right. Also, I say sharpen up a few choice things in the tag. Good job.
That is the most amazing sig I've EVER seen in my life. I love it, oh yea V1 is better. V2 seems like it's missing something...COLOR !! lol j/k, please don't ban me ^.^;
Well, I love V1 But then, I never even noticed the words, it just seemd like some random black crap.XD And the effects are awsome. Keep it up. *realizes he hasn't made one yet* Oops.....