Spank's Top 5! Week 22 (Apr. 22nd - Apr. 28th)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. Deathspank Banned

    Aug 16, 2006
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Here's the top five for this week.


    This Week's Winner: soccernelly | View Video
    Song: Rebirthing by Skillet

    2. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Trailer

    3. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Figure.09 by Linkin Park

    4. Submitted By: KL93 | View Video
    Song: Rising Sun by Carb

    5. Submitted By: skuller86 | View Video
    Title: Organization XIII Tribute

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Apr 29, 2007.

    1. isora
      :mad: crap dude i never win oh well lol:rolleyes:
    2. DogBoyX
      First of all, translation please?
      second of all, have you seen his AMVs? they are simply amazing!
    3. DrMario64
      You don't need a translation since you were able to type a reply. Dur-dur-durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. If you cannot understand my divine logic how were you able to type

      "second of all, have you seen his AMVs? they are simply amazing!"

      Without knowing that I meant that khfreak87 has reached a level of awesomeness so super specail awesome that its not even funny.

      P.S. Captilize your sentences. This isn't a chat room :/.