Spam Wars

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Destined, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Firefly Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 7, 2008
    The grey area
    Still ROFLMAO XD
    I like the KH ref' :]
    Awesome crossover!!
  2. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    I loved it!!Do continue Destined!! 8DDD
  3. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Sunlight burst into the hold as the grinding of the ancient hatch parted, allowing the blowing sand entrance. The inner hatch erupted in chaos. Droids shuffled, rolled, or dragged themselves into any nook that would make them appear invisible. Coders stormed the hold, evaluating the droids and chittering in bionary. SORA and T-3CO reluctantly joined a line of droids as Antiweapon and EvilMan eyes greedily surveyed the goods parade through the hatch into the blistering sun.

    Outside, coders scrambled between the mechanical beings, attempting to polish up any last minute tweaks or to remove a trace of oil from the surface of a FR-Les repair droid. While the mirade of movement surrounded SORA and T-3CO, Antiweapon made his way forward, toward the domed abode. He was greeted midway by two figures moving from with in. The older of the two greeted the Coder and followed the lineup.

    T-3CO couldn’t quite put his processor on it, but the boy tagging behind had an aire of familiarity about him. He was an adolescent, no more that sixteen, his hair waving unkempt in the dry breeze. He walked with confidence, a wild fire burned behind his eyes as if he wanted to see the universe.

    The older male stood before the line, giving a trained eye survey to each prospective droid. He walked down the line twice both times eyeing the FR-les model and T-3CO. SORA-13 teetered back and force nervously. “I’ll take those two,” he pointed before stepping before T-3CO. “I would assume that you are programmed for ethics and protocol?”

    “Why sir, it is my primary function sir and I am fluent in all the customs.”

    “I have no need for a protocol droid, what I need is a droid that understands the inner workings and ideology behind the Organization XIII.”

    T-3CO burst to life. “SIR, my first job was rationalizing heartless and nobodies. I am extremely familiar with the Organization’s customs.”

    The man brightened, clearly impressed with his decision. “Do you speak German?”

    “Of course I can sir, it’s like a first language to me.”

    The man held up his hand, silencing the droid. “I’ll take these two.” He turned toward the youth. “Luke, take these two over to the garage and get them cleaned up before dinner.”

    Luke DMaster scowled. “But Uncle ICSP, I was going to 4chan and pick up some Tales images.”

    ICSP shook his head. “You can waste time with your friends when your chores are finished.

    Luke’s mood drooped, as his eyes passed over the two droids. “Fine you two come with me.” He stated as he made his way back towards the abode while ICSP began to pass credits to Antiweapon. As Luke passed the sunken desert garden, the tell tell voice of Aunt Pyro floated upwards.

    “Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuke? Luuuuuuuuuuuuke?” Luke altered his course so that he stood positioned just above the lip of the garden. “Ya?”

    “Tell ICSP that if he buys another droid that uses my sofa as a chew toy I’ll go mugen on him.”

    “It doesn’t look like either of these two will do anything like that bu—“ Luke flipped around just in the nick up time as FR-Les raced toward him, her metal mandibles furiously scissoring the air.

    BZZZZT Push you off cliff BZZ cliff zzzzzzz must puuuuuush!”

    Stepping to the side, FR-Les rolled over the embankment, crushing a water vaporator and imploding into hundreds of pieces. ICSP wheeled around, hearing the commotion and whirled on Antiweapon with a ravenous anger. While the argument roared to life, T-3CO lightly tapped DMaster on the shoulder. “I beg your pardon sir, but that astromech droid is in fine condition, I can vouch for his work ethic and devotion.”

    DMaster shrugged and raced over to explain the thought to ICSP. After a further argument and waving of hands, SORA-13 puttered along beeping happily. A string of unrelentless german slang leaked from T-3CO as he chided himself for helping 13. “Don’t you dare say anything. You got me into this mess, therefore you are going to figure out a way out.” The complaining continued long into the winds as the Codebreaker trekked onwards towards the next moisture farm…

    “By the power of grayskull, this oil shower feels so wonderful. I think that I’ve got sand jammed even in my gearbox.” T-3CO gleefully cheered, immersing himself deeper into the vat of cleansing liquid.

    SORA-13 sat alongside the mechanical shower, an extension cord snaking its way into a portable lithium recharge port. DMaster sat with his feet propped ontop of a circular repair station, a desert modified replica of a Automerge moving between his hands while a decidedly annoyed silence radiated from within. “It just isn’t fair. Demi’s right, I’m never going to get out of here.”

    “Is there anything that I might be able to do sir?” TCO asked.

    DMaster smiled, setting down the replica and moving toward SORA-13. “Not unless you can manipulate time, speed of Sacrificed or teleport me off this rock.”
    “I’m afraid not. I’m only a droid, I don’t have any knowledge on such matters…not in this section at least. I’m not even sure what selection I am on.”

    “Well, if you are fixated on the brightest section in the universe you are in the section that it is farthest from.” Luke commented, picking up a pair of pliers, his attention shifting to a chunk of charred plastic wedged beneath the optical projector.

    “I see sir.”

    Luke smiled. “You can call me DMaster, everyone else does.”

    “I see Sir DMaster. And I am T-3CO, human cyborg relations. This is my counterpart, SORA-13.” TCO announced as the oil shower concluded. SORA beeped his respects as well.

    DMaster nodded, working the pliers as delicately as he could. “Well you’ve got something wedged in here real good,” SORA-13 began beeping maniacally. DMaster looked quizzically at TCO who merely shook his head in disgust. “What did he say?”

    “That’s what she said. I strongly suggest you steer away from promiscuous innuendo. He excels at finding them. I’m surprised he’s gotten away with it for so long. What with all we’ve been through I’m surprised he hasn’t been banned all ready, what with the rebellion and all.”

    DMaster whirled around the gears turning in his head as the surprise was hardly contained. “You know about the rebellion against the Insiders?”

    “That’s how we came to be here at your service sir.” He glared at SORA, “If you take my meaning.”

    The possible jibe didn’t phase DMaster, as he tried to decide which questions to ask. “Have you been in many battles?”

    TCO nodded hesitantly. He wanted to trust his new owner, but principle dictated that he censor his response. “Several I think, all though there isn’t that much to tell. I’m not much more than a Premium interpreter. I’m not very good at telling stories.”

    DMaster nodded slowly, still feeling the excited with the brush with real freedom fighters, he returned to SORA, and finally clamped down on the plastic obstruction. With a final yank, the plastic and DMaster fell backwards to the floor, SORA-13 rocked backwards trying to regain his balance as the internal computers momentarily short circuited, triggering his holographic projector. Before he could switch it off, the tell tell outline of Administrator CTR appeared on the dusty floor.

    The hologram wavered, flickering in a light robin’s egg blue. DMaster stared silently as he watched the image hover and moments later reset to display CTR inserting a thumb-sized object outside the viewable screen. “Help me Repliku Kenobi, you’re my only hope. Help me Repliku Kenobi, you’re my only hope.”

    “Who is she?”

    SORA merely whistled as he struggled to reset his processor. TCO thrust his hand upon the dome. “He asked you a question, who is that. Sir DMaster, I’m afraid I’m not quite sure who she is. She could have been a member on our last transit. A person of great importance I believe.”

    “Help me Repliku Kenobi, you’re my only hope.”

    “Is there anymore to this holovid?” DMaster asked hopefully, unable to take his eyes off CTR.

    SORA chimed in while TCO attempted to translate. “He claims that the message is meant for a General Kenobi and can only be accessed in his presence.”

    DMaster pondered the statement, accessing a handful of memories and images of the old hermit from his past. “Kenobi, Kenobi…I wonder if he means old L Kenobi. He’s a strange old hermit that primarily keeps to himself and resides somewhere on the other side of the Discussion Sea—“

    “LUKE! Supper is ready.” Pyro announced across the interior communications board, forestalling further interrogations.

    DMaster sighed, handing T-3CO a series of tools. “I’ll be back in a little while, see if you can’t clean him up a small bit.” He smiled fleetingly as he ascended the garage steps and raced toward the traditional meal.

    Little did he know, it would be the last normal meal he would ever eat...
  4. Firefly Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 7, 2008
    The grey area
    Wooooo another part XD
    lmao awesome cross-over!!!!!
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Oh my god......Pyro and ICSP! Married! With an adoptive child! :D
  6. Ultimecia sorceress

    Aug 19, 2008
    my castle.
    Repliku Kenobi xD

    Keep it up, this is great so far
  7. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    XD this made me laugh so hard, great work, like always.
  8. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    This is pretty good. I'd like to see alot more of this. As in sequels. Each one following a Star Wars film.
  9. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    Thanks, and ya, i basically watch a scene, and then write.

    And i'm planning on doing at least the original trilogy
  10. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Omfg. xDDD
    Being a diehard fan of the orignal trilogy, this is just f*cking epic. xD

    ...I wil never be able to watch Star Wars the same way again. xD

    *roars like a Wookie*
  11. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    xD Same here!
    I can't wait to see who Han and Chewie are! >8D
    *waits impatiently for update*​
  12. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    Awesome. And you'll have to wait a wii bit longer on those two.

    The smells of roast nerf coated the stairwell and swirled from within the kitchen as Aunt Pyro busied herself with hydrating a series of vegetables while Uncle ICSP sat at the table pouring himself a cup of caf. DMaster ascended the stairs and slowed as he stepped into the dining room. For a string of evenings he had spend long nights staring out into the reaches of space, ever dreaming of one day travelling amongst the stars and experiencing life outside of the Creativity Corner. He had rolled around a number of possibilities but only one seemed to at least maintain a credibility, even if it would require an investment for the next season.

    Gears began to grind together as ICSP noticed DMaster enter. DMaster pulled out a chair and before he could think of what tact to take, he started in. “You know I think that that 13 unit might be stolen?â€

    ICSP frowned as Pyro pulled out a chair, swirling around an appletini in her right hand. “What makes you think that?â€

    “Well, I stumbled across a recording while I was cleaning him. It basically was telling me it had to see a Repliku Kenobi.â€

    An unsettling silence descended upon the table, broken only by the scraping of silverware as Pyro quickly glanced nervously at ICSP. His eyes met hers as well, cementing her concerns were not one-sided.

    “I thought he might have meant old L.†DMaster mixed around his food trying to piece together the pieces himself.

    ICSP took a long pull from the caf, feeling the warm calmness bombard his tired throat. “That detective is just a crazy old man. Tomorrow,†he continued, shifting subjects while a Level 21E service droid swept aside the empty dishes from the table, “I want you to take both of those droids up to Forum Assistance and have the 13’s memory erased. The droids are ours now, not past, present or future service machines of L.†he stated with finality while Pyro remained quiet, downing more and more appletini.

    DMaster’s brow furrowed. “Well what if this Repliku comes looking for him?â€

    “He won’t. I don’t believe that he exists anymore….he died around the same time as your father.â€

    DMaster’s eyes bulged.†He…he knew my father?â€

    “Did I say that? My only concern right now is to prepare those two droids for tomorrow. Once you get back from Forum Assistance, I want them in the south quadrant working on those servers.â€

    “Yes Uncle.†DMaster whispered to himself, realizing that now would be the only chance he would be able to get what has plagued him for countless nights off his chest. “I think those two droids are going to work out fine…in fact I was thinking about our agreement with me staying on another season…if these droids do work out then I want to transmit my application to the Staff this year. I mean there are more than enough droids on hand to help.â€

    ICSP rolled the idea around with his fork but shook his head. “Harvest is when I need you the most! I guarantee that if we pull out ahead midway through the harvest then we will purchase more hands and we can talk about this then. I need you here D, it’s just one more season.â€

    “Ya that’s what you said when Demi and RA left.†DMaster stood and moved toward the archway. “Looks like I’m going nowhere.â€

    The dining room fell into silence as Pyro and ICSP were left surrounded by their own thoughts. Pyro flashed an all knowing smile. “ICSP, he can’t stay here forever, most of his friends have gone. It means so much to him to have an idea to hold onto.â€

    “I know and understand that, but right now you know we need him here. I’ll make it up to him next year, I promised you Pyro.â€

    “He just isn’t a farmer, he has too much of his father in him.â€

    ICSP’s vision clouded as distant memories from a world beyond the hands of time returned across his memory. He brushed the horrific moments away. “That’s what I’m afraid of…â€


    DMaster trudged from the confines of his home, choosing to step into the twin dusk instead of toward the garage. The evening nightscape was slowly transcending from the burning auburn day into a calm and chilling blackness. DMaster stood against the abode, watching the twin suns slowly dip beneath the horizon line, sinking into the sand as if the world was consuming the beacons of li.
    “Someday,†he stated as a slow breeze danced across the sand, twirling around him, “I’ll make something of myself. Someday everyone will know my name…â€
  13. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    More epic from the epic mind of Destined. O:
    Awesome job; keep up the good work.
    And that "twin setting suns" scene I one of my favorites, so bonus points there. 8D
  14. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    A resounding crash echoed from within the garage, drawing DMaster away from the moment of personal reflection. He sighed as the day gave way to night. “I guess that that isn’t going to be today.†He trudged slowly backwards and headed into the garage just as TCO burst out from behind the landspeeder, knocking over a stack of hydrospanners. “What are you doing back there?â€

    “It wasn’t my fault sir, you must understand when he gets something in his memory it’s impossible to vanish quietly.â€

    “What are you talking about?†DMaster nervously asked, fearing the answer.

    “He was going on and on about this mission and the message he must give to Kenobi!â€

    DMaster’s heart skipped a beat as he whipped around, racing up the garage stairwell and into the rapidly deteriorating sunlight. He withdrew a pair of long-range electrix binoculars and rapidly scanned the surrounding desert and hill side due south. The machine sent ping after ping in every direction until the gravity of the situation descended on DMaster: SORA-13 was gone.

    T-3CO joined behind DMaster, nervously reading the reaction of his master. “That astromech has always been rebelling against orders and getting into more and more trouble with each new model that are produced.â€

    “He’s gone. I’m not tracking any electronic spikes. How could I be so stupid…â€

    “Aren’t we going to be going after him?â€

    DMaster reluctantly shook his head. “It’s too dangerous. There are creatures that hunt and go bump in the night out here. Besides that there could be Raiders anywhere.â€

    “Luke!†ICSP yelled from the garden, “I’m just about to shut the power down.â€

    “It looks like that droid is going to be giving me more trouble than I thought. We’ll leave first thing in the morning to see if we can track him down. I just hope ICSP doesn’t realize that he is missing beforehand.â€
    T-3CO took one final sweep across the desert as DMaster descended into the sanctuary. He cursed himself, being unable to convince or even restrain the small droid within the garage. It didn’t matter how, but he knew that SORA-13 had a reason to be this determined and he couldn’t help but shake the feeling that whatever the mysterious person had done, she was relying on him to finish the mission. He only hoped that it wouldn’t end at a scrapyard.


    ICSP stepped out from the refresher, inhaling the dry air as he maneuvered his way into the dining room. Oddly, he noticed that DMaster’s door remained locked shut. Pyro met his gaze as she busied herself around the farmhouse. “Have you seen Luke?†ICSP questioned, pulling up a display camera mounded within the garage to discover the speeder and new droids were gone.

    “He left a note saying he had errands to run before he could get the droids to the Forum Assistance.â€

    “Well,†He stated picking up a small black notebook wired shut, “He better have those droids in the Writer’s Workshop by midday or there will be dire trouble.â€

    “Why are you carrying that thing around? It’s like a security blanket for you or something.†Pyro chided, motioning to take away the notebook.

    ICSP turned in the doorway, a deadly somber frown edged across his face. “Just got a bad feeling today for some reason is all.â€


    The speeder flashed across the desert, skimming mere inches off the ground as the repulsors strained to match the speed and minimum height without sending the machine crashing into the ground. DMaster sat at the controls, his eyes set straight ahead as he piloted toward the canyon jutting up across the Discussion Sea. A small transponder slowly pinged as it mapped out the approaching canyon. “I’m picking up something in their, it could be him.†DMaster announced, yanking the speeder to a hard right.

    T-3CO said nothing as he struggled to hold onto the seat as the restraining belt groaned in protest. “Perhaps we should slow down, it’ll be no use if we are smeared across a rock or spire.â€

    DMaster flashed a grin, gunning the engines as he swerved between two rocky embankments. “Where’s your sense of adventure?â€

    “Back at the homestead,†TCO squealed as a flock of womprats dove aside.

    The transponder began to ping louder and more regularly as DMaster slowed and brought the speeder to a halt hundreds of feet within the canyon. The landscape was unwelcoming, rock burst upward as though it were trying to puncture the sky while sand mixed with wind to produce a small dustdevil further ahead, and the faint outline of SORA-13 shuffling to get beyond a small landslide.

    From atop a mesa, DMaster appeared within the cross hairs of a sniper scope as it’s owner relaxed, calming herself. Two figures walked forward standing behind the sniper. The sniper nodded twice, resulting in the figures immediate departure in two separate directions deeper into the canyon rim.

    “Whoa, hey hold on, where do you think you are going?†Luke demanded as he leapt from the speeder.

    SORA-13 beeped in alarm, swiveling his head to watch the looming form of his new master standing just before him. A string of angry chirps leaked from him as T-3CO hobbled forward and smacking the droid upside the dome. “No! DMaster is your new owner now. Repliku Kenobi is not your master and I won’t hear of it any more! We will have no more of this mission nonsense!!†He annoyingly roared.

    DMaster’s eyes grew as the protocol droid showed a new fire and anger that he had not seemed possible last night. “No, it’s ok. We found him, let’s get back before Uncle ICSP truly gets peeved.â€

    SORA-13 began to rebuke both of them, but stopped midway, swiveling around slowly as the internal radar began to relay a slew of data. He turned toward T-3CO and began to wobble nervously.

    “What’s he going on about?†DMaster asked.

    “He claims that there are a number of creatures approaching from the Northeast.†He pointed in the direction deeper within the canyon.

    DMaster inhaled, and raced toward the speeder, extracting a long-range rifle. He raced to get to higher ground as the two droids tried to stick to his heels. DMaster pulled himself inside of a small cave protruding from the canyon wall thirty feet above and to the east of the speeder. Slowly he flicked the lens covering the scope off and began surveying the canyon.

    It took all of a moment to see the lumbering beasts march through the canyon. The beasts were massive, walking on all fours while four beings strode along side while two road atop the beasts. DMaster zoomed in and nodded slowly. “It’s definitely Role Players. I can see some of them now.â€

    Suddenly, the image blurred. DMaster had just enough time to look up as the butt end of a gaffe staff smashed through the rifle. DMaster rolled to the side as the gaffe struck the hard ground. The figure roared in frustration as it glanced around and swung, connecting with T-3CO. “With a full frontal charge, SORA! charged past the injured teen, and struck down the golden metallic robot. SORA! turned to the right and stared over his shoulder as Hellkitten,†he raised a palm and watched as HellKitten rushed forward and began to attack the speeder, “assaulted the speeder pillaging as many supplies as she could.â€

    DMaster’s brow furrowed, as he watched SORA! begin to monologue as other Role Play Raiders appeared atop the hill. SORA!’s eyes rose and a broad grin creeped across his expression. “With a victorious cheer the Raider’s turned their attention to the teen and prepared for the final blow—“

    A laser bolt burst from the hill, scorching the rock between DMaster and SORA!. SORA! turned angrily and waved frantically. But to his dismay, another bolt slammed into the rock just behind his head. “NO!!! NO!!! Cupcake, you are out of character! You aren’t supposed to attack until he becomes aggressive and tries to retake the speeder!â€

    Cupcake stood, shouldering the sniper. “OCC: What are you talking about? When did we change the attack plans?!â€

    “OCC: Before we started the attack!â€

    “OCC: You posted that after I was all ready in position! What was I supposed to do?!â€

    SORA! shook his head at the same time a horrific demonic roar rip across the canyon. SORA!’s eyes grew wide as the situation drastically altered around them. “BIC: EVERYONE RETREAT! HEAD BACK TO THE ARENA!â€

    Within a blink of an eye, the Role Players were gone, leaving a battered T-3CO, SORA-13 and DMaster staring in complete confusion. “What…was that…Leroy Jenkins much?â€

    “No, I believe they were under the assumption that I was a Krayt Dragon. Oh well.†A voice chuckled behind the trio.

    All three turned to stare into the laughing eyes of L, standing just above them on a outcrop as his brown cloak slowly danced in the breeze. “It’s been a long time since last we saw each other Luke. What brings you all the way out here?â€

    “This astromech. He claims that a Repliku Kenobi is his master and that he has an important mission him. I thought maybe you might have heard about him, and he took off to hunt you down I guess.â€

    L slowly descended, the lines of his face furrowed, as though trying to grasp onto a thin string from his past. “Repliku Kenobi…Repliku…Now that’s a name that I’ve not heard in a long time…a long time…â€

    SORA-13 began to rock vigorously as DMaster leapt down, and began to help T-3CO back onto his feet. “My Uncle ICSP claims to know him, but he said he was dead.â€

    “Oh no, he’s not dead…at least not yet anyway. He’s avoided the shinigami for many a year.â€

    “So…you know him?â€

    L smiled. “Of course, he is me. I’ve not gone by that name since…. oh before you were born.â€

    DMaster stood and placed his forearm atop the droids dome. “Well then this droid does belong to you. Iâ not sure what ICSP or Pyro will say however.â€

    A defeated roar echoed off the canyon cliffs drawing the group’s attention. Repliku’s frown deepened. “I think that we better get indoors. Role Players are easily startled but they will soon be back, and with more threads following.â€

    “I’m not sure about you DMaster, but I think that that proposition is a wonderful idea.†T-3CO chimed as he hurriedly shuffled toward the speeder with SORA-13 hot on his trail.
  15. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Gee.... I can only imagine what it'd be like with me in it..... -_-... With the oh-so-drastically changeing moods and such...

    ANYHOO! :yelling: I love it, Destined! Keep it up! XD XD
  16. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Lmao, the Role Players part was awesome xD
  17. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Dude...stop asking when/if you'll be in; it's his choice. xDD

    Anyway, I'm glad to see you got over your block on getting the Tusken Raiders. xD
    Made me laugh a lot...but RPers are kinda scary. D:

    Again, awesome job, keep up the great work. 8D
  18. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Eh. Its more of a thought than a request. I could care less who's in, as long as its good.
  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hahahaha! XD The Role Player part was totally awesome! However, I noticed that you referred to the main character as Luke sometimes instead of DMaster. Was this accidental or on purpose?
  20. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    um, i think Luke's name in this is Luke DMaster, so really it depns on if they are calling him by his first name or last name...

    and big D... i think i speak for all of us when i say we will never see role players teh same again O.o