Recommend anime/games/TV series/films/comics/manga that can give me the crave I have for stuff like Berserk and Claymore and Dark Souls and Bloodborne, basically ultra-violent dark fantasy or Gothic action. I've got one week left until III. -Highly violent -Dark tone -Horror themes and aesthetics strongly desired -Orchestral scores if possible
d. gray man not violent but has a gothic aesthetic kinda violent at times but like, not real violence abara not gothic but is hyper-violent its a short manga with not much dialogue and is pretty light on structured narrative reminds me of the way you described bloodborne sons of the devil horror comic. not gothic, not super violent but is dark the batman is currently on netflix fun dark without the art deco of btas phantom on the horizon album by the fall of troy dark tone, concept album takes place on a Spanish ship so its kinda historically what you're into eerie at times i just noticed that its become a habit of mine to add line breaks in things i type everywhere. im in a poetry class this semester. its getting to me.
Unless you're wanting that medieval fantasy feel that Berzerk has, I mean Gantz really doesn't appeal in any other department than just gruesome horror, err I used to read Ubell Blatt for a while it's another senin but it's got a lot of those borderline hentai moments in more detail though since it's a senin demographic. It used to give me a berserk vibe so you might like it, that's if you're willing to read it it hasn't got any anime adaption at all if i remember right