That is one crazy name. I know this isn't much but it's still some news
I'm sure Scheherezade is a Turkish or middle-eastern name and not a german one. I know she uses a rapier in battle and has a very anime look with her elf ears.
People are speculating its a custom character, to show how advanced the new character creation is... I think its real though...
At first I thought it was a guy - trap in other words. o.o Hmm, wonder how the rapier moves will work like, if they are very close to Raphael or something different.
Well there's enough different styles of sword that Scheherazade shouldn't be too similar to Raphael. Or I at least I hope not. It would suck if there were clones.
Her weapon seems much closer in apperance to Xiangua. I doubt they will be clones, since in SC3 Nightmare and Siefried had very similar weapons, and the game even said they fought using the same memories... yet they fought totally different. Only 4 or 5 moves were similar...
Scheherazade is a Persian name. It's the name of the queen in a book called '1000 Arabian Nights' It is pronounced 'Sha-hare-iz-odd-a'
Probably she would fight with a middle easten style then... even though she's pasty white... with blonde hair... Does anyone know if Persia has a distict fighting style? Although they will probably just slap on a story that she is really *insert European country here* and she somehow got orphaned into Persia... kinda like they did for Rock, Ivy, and Setsuka...
Persian mythology is famous for it's supossed 'immortal fighters' I'm pretty sure, could be wrong though, might want to google persian fighting styles or something. And yeah, probably will, this isn't exactly a serious fighting game anymore.