Sora vs. Jack Sparrow

Discussion in 'Archives' started by sephirothkills, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. sephirothkills Moogle Assistant

    Dec 17, 2006
    Chapter ONE
    Port Royal
    Jack sparrow looked down at his crew and cursed angirly at them. "You dumb fools, don't slow down! Barbossa is waiting for us to give him these smuggled goods." The crew moaned and swore but got to work. Jack looked at the black pearl admiringly. He loved his ship. They were moving towards Tortuga to give some stolen items to some pirates. Little did he know that a boy had a mission from Merlin to go there. And he knew the boy..... Jack went to the wheel and pushed the driver out of the way. They were almost there.
    Merlins Tower
    Sora, Donald, and Goofy looked at Merlin as he searched through the book. Merlin looked down and smiled. "There is a man you need to destroy, I know that you are not used to destroying humans, but he is a threat to the Human race, and the earths survival, I will tell you at the end why. That mans name, is Jack sparrow." Sora's eyes went wide. He couldn't believe it, he had been sent here by king Mickey to Kill a friend? He felt terrible, but if Jack Sparrow was a threat to earth, he would have to do it. Riku and Kairi came walking in. "So, where are we going Sora?" Riku asked. Sora told him what he had to do and Kairi gasped. "Him? Jack sparrow came to my world, he couldn't be in that world!" Merlin nodded. "He has learned to travel through the worlds, and he has begun to try and destroy all of them. You five will need to destroy him?"
    Next chapter to be added soon.
  2. OrginizationXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    ...parent's basment.
    It's ok. You may want to touch up on grammer and sentance fluency. Other than that it seems pretty good to me.
  3. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    I think you should go into more detail. Other than that, good job.