...for lack of a better title. I'm not too good at chibis, but I think this one came out ok. I think his feet, eyes and hair need some fixing. I'm going to redo the hands too. I'd like to color it but cant decide whether to use GIMP or prismacolor pencils. CnC, please. He's supposed to be holding a Paopu fruit to put on a tree, instead of a star.
Oh, how extremely adorable ;D And the eyes are so sweet and shiny. Nice job :3 And with a paopou fruit =3
Sora's hair is always hell to draw.. That part requiers much practice, a personal tip from me is to look at how Shiro Amano draws his hair. :3 (charming yet simple) You're right about the feet, they are just pointing too sharply to the left/right to be natural. (yes, chibis sometimes demands natural propotions too) But you can fix it by adding a sharper line to where the toes will start ( I don't know how to explain it.. >>;;;; ), thay way the feet will face more forward and still keep it's perspective. I'd want to fix the arm too, it has the impression that the bicep part is longer than the one connected with the wrists. Either add more lenght (not too much, since it's chibi) or add the line that creates perspective (like the short arm is actually just going to the distance). The eyes are pretty cute, even if it's just pupils and not any of the white part of the eyeball. Big eyes = cuter chibis. :3
AH! So cute <3 Its very nice. I love the eyes. They make me so sad and happy o_O I think its really nice. The legs are a bit too skinny tho. but thats it =]
Pretty kool. I think u did a gd job. Only things that bothers me are the eyes. They're a bit close and a bit big. Also, the shoes look a bit too circular, try to make them a little bit more flat. Other than that, it looks fine.