According to this article, Sony has updated their Terms of Service. Long story short, if your PS3 or whatever Sony product catches on fire or something and burns the entire house down, you're fully responsible.
You know that's kind of stupid. I agree that they do need to change a little bit of the tos but everything! They really should listen to the law suits provided they're actually intelligent.
Well I kind of understand, because Sony got way to many lawsuits over the hack crap. All people saw was money, they didn't care that Sony had just been the victim behind an act of crime. They were mad cause they couldn't talk to there friends over a system (mostly because they don't have any in real life) or whatever reason. Sony more than made up for it in the free stuff they dished out, I mean a free month of PlayStation Plus and two FULL FREE games. I think if that didn't make you happy you need to go to some other system then. Honestly the only thing I don't like about that would be if my PS3 caught on fire, but then again I wouldn't be suing Sony for failure to keep their systems operational but failure to make a safe system. I would be suing them for damages so would that go through or does this new TOS put a stop to it? Well anyway, more than likely most people (myself included) will take that chance. Even though I rarely ever play, I still like to have the option.
Sony Bans Anyone from PSN Who Sues Them Well, prepare for the stupidest thing ever. Sony will be banning all gamers from PSN unless they don't sue them.
You aren't forbidden from lawsuits. You are forbidden from class action lawsuits. And there is an extra hoop to jump through for an individual law suit. I can't say I like it, but I can't blame them. They were hit by quite a few hacks and then despite compensation packages that lost them a ton of money, people sued them and cost them even more money. And then they still need to pay for security updates. Ironically enough I expect that people will be suing to challenge if this addition to the terms of service is legal.
Exactly. What I don't like is the arbitration chosen by Sony. I mean, on their end, it seems like a means to control the whole situation. Is this is good or bad? Who knows. But why would the arbitrator need to be chosen by Sony? It's just...peculiar. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.
I definitely don't blame them for pulling this. I mean look at how many crybabies users sued them for the loss of service. It's like getting hacked isn't bad enough they get a wave of lawsuits over something they couldn't control. Though I do believe they should have updated there servers and what not a lot sooner, they did what they had to do to protect there user's from having information stolen. So it's like this, "I'm gonna sue Sony for keeping someone else from stealing from me!" . . . . That's just ****** stupid!