No surprise that this was their plan. But it's nice to see it back in 2D.
I'm just glad they're doing something with the little guy. Though I do agree with the opinion of one Urtheart - long-awaited as it is, it looks like they're giving up completely. And the fanbase's reaction has been even worse than the reaction to the Werehog, in terms of how the 2D fans are treating the 3D fans. I just wanna stay out of that and play the bluddy game. Pity the thing's download-only, though. If the goal of the game is to boost respect, it'd help to have a game case next to the TV. Besides, I like manuals and the such (artwork opportunities!).
Personally, I think this is a great idea. If this is a big enough success, they should just stick with it if they plan to make more games. If its not a success.....then i guess they just can't do it anymore, but i have high hopes for this game.
Perhaps i'm far too pernickety, but he way he runs bothers me. xD It seems more like a jog rather compared to the original. And i still dislike the way he looks. Then there's the whole issue with Eggman. >_>; I'm sorry, i can't help it. xD
When I first saw the video I thought his running looked odd too xD Though this means they didn't recycle much. I think I might actually get this xD
Good to know I'm not the only one who thought he runs funny. He's not Jogger the Hedgehog... Also...yeah, Eggman. I don't know of any Sonic fans in my circle who even acknowledge that name.
I knew it would happen like this but I want Sonic Adventure 3. Or any game with a Chao Garden. Or Sonic Heroes 2.
Eh, I dunno. I mean, I know most the ideas they did didn't turn out as success as they wanted. But, going back to such an old style of gaming with 2D seems like a cheap shot. I dunno, thats just how I feel about it.
A cheap shot? I'd say it was a cheap shot if they didn't make it 2D. They'd be kicking fans in the nuts. They've demanded it for years. If a style works to a particular game why change it?
When I saw Sonic running, I was under the impression that he had just started to run and the people didn't want to animate more so they looped his running. He better be faster in the game.
I agree. I don't want to say I'm not anticipating this, but for all intents and purposes, it feels more like a cop-out than really giving the fans what they want. And what are they whining about anyway? All of the Sonic hand-helds were 2D for a long time, and they were fun as all get-out. Actually, they did. They put some great ideas out there, and even if not all of them met expectations, most of their ideas at least got off the ground. They just totally lost it after a certain point; for what reason, we may never know. Why may we never know? Because all of the fans blame it on Sonic being in 3D. No one will even give it a chance. I almost hope Sonic 4 bombs, just as a firm slap across the face of everyone who thinks Sonic being in 2D will automatically rescue him from the fail-pile he has become. You know what I wanna see? Sonic Adventure 3. That would be worth drooling over the way some people have been anticipating Project Needlemouse.
The only decent 3D Sonic game was Sonic Adventure 2. The others were swapped very very quickly for making me cringe to the point that it hurt. The only funny thing about Sonic Heroes was Knuckles sounding like he was swearing. I gave up wasting money on 3D Sonic games. And of course it may not save Sonic (Personally, i think there's no chance), but i'd rather try my luck on a 2D Sonic game where the style suits than waste any more cash on a 3D Sonic that is perhaps worse than the last.