MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IN THREE DAYS, I, DR. IVO "EGGMAN" RRRRRRROBOTNIK, WILL UNLEASH MY MASTER PLAN! THINK YOU CAN STOP ME SONIC HEROES!? Let's go, guys, we've a goal we're pursuing Knuckles, what in the heck are you doing I'm gonna use you guys as boxing gloves Wait What? WHOA Shift! Rock! Yeah! No more blocking pillars left Stop it Knux poor Tails is bleeding to death Just a sec I've got one more wall to SHOVE! I can't see the point of this quest We'll likely meet a grave fate Oh come on Shad don't be so depressed Worthless consumer models... ANIHLATE! My ears propel us through the air! AHH! Big please don't stare Froggy are you IN THERE! Where's the rest of us can't be far Mighty's in some bar Don't know where the rest are HEAVY! AND BOMB! Au revoir! Sonic, look, there's whales in the ocean LET'S PUNCH 'EM! NO! Don't wanna cause a commotion Sorta brings back frightening memories too... Jump makes you jump, press the button to jump What button? I dont see one Gee, I'm stumped OMOCHAO WILL REPEAT. Quiet, you. AMMUNITION DEPLETED, RELOAD INITIATE Not the way a lady should be treated AMMUNITION PRESENT...ANIHLATE Finding crabs makes sense not one bit... Don't ask questions, do it Make sure they're hermits Listen up all you morons Chocola's gone someone theived them That fat cat's holding us back, yo In my opinion we should leave him Eka uma da do Look he likes you. Isn't that KYOOT? Fishing time! Don't hook me BRUTE! I've had enough of this... CHAOS CONTROL! Product identified as Swiss Roll What use is that? I'm gonna eat it whole *OMM NOM NOM* OK, fly us over there, Charmy! Boss, aren't we a bit heavy for a bee? Sure are, guys... I'll try, can't guarantee...
Oh, this wasnt me, I credited the writers in the title. But if enough people want me to, I'll do a cover of this and do the voices >>;
lmao Knuckles is spot-on c': I happen to be in the middle of this game back at home but I'm out of town...