Sonic games SUCK! And SEGA admitted it.

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Jube, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    But I loved that game!:cold:

    One MAJOR way they could improve them would be to let us become Super Sonic in any level the way we could in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and Sonic The Hedgehog 3 instead of making us have to wait till the final level every time.

    Seriously...What's with that? I just loved being able to go Super Sonic after collecting all The Chaos Emeralds and getting 50 or more rings in Sonic 3 & Knuckles for the SEGA Genesis...

    But now they make us wait till the final level every time...That's so dumb...
  2. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Think realistically. Bringing back that is more like fanservice, if anything. It won't make a game great. It'll just make it too easy /:
    It's like sayin' there should be an unlockable for Mario in a constant invincible form. It just ain't gonna happen.

    Bottom line is, bringing back Super Sonic in normal levels won't make a Sonic game great. That just makes it shallow if you play a bad Sonic game just to harness his super form's powers through the same tedious stages again
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    It would be a start.

    Oh, and I would disagree with Heroes being the worst. It is up there, but not worse than Riders.
  4. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Dude. Sonic 2006 much?
  5. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    They aren't ignorant... You act like anyone who makes a game instantly has to think their game is the best. Truly they are just getting money for now, because saying they don't know how to make a godo game is.. idiocy.
  6. Sora March Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 10, 2008
    A band hallway. TRUMPETS!!!

    I'd say that the worst new game would have been Sonic Heroes, sorry VideoGameCrazyMan, but it was still an awesome game. They shoulda just bumped up the graphics.
  7. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    I really liked the graphics of Sonic Heroes. The oversensitive gameplay screwed it up big time...
  8. Sora March Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 10, 2008
    A band hallway. TRUMPETS!!!
    Besides the graphics the only trouble I had with the game is the F***in' chaos emeralds.
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Right...sorry but I have a serious rant now.

    If you like Mario, you do, and it's 'Sonic has never beat Mario and never will'. I don't mean to be **** here but if you are going to diss an entire thread about Sonic and people discussing our likes and dislikes of SONIC, then first off you shouldn't have brought Mario into it and second off, don't kill us with bad fanboy grammar and spelling. Mario to some of us is definitely not what he used to be. Others who like Sonic also like Mario and some people posting here may like Mario more than Sonic. Doing this post was just lame on several levels. I really haven't liked a Mario game in a very long time and oh well. We all have our likes and dislikes. Why bother posting that in a Sonic thread? Good job starting another fanboy/girl issue.

    To someone that likes Mario more, that's not going to be true. It's all a matter of opinion. Let him have his though he should not have even posted it in a thread about Sonic, while we have ours. And because I got on him for's 'forever'. I have to be fair, though your sentence wasn't the butchery the other one was.

    I think you need to be pointing that Fanboy Alert at yourself. Anyone that uses that silly argument of 'if it wasn't for Mario, Sonic wouldn't exist so you have to like him' is really needing a wake up call. Mario can be appreciated for what the dude did for Nintendo, but if people don't enjoy the games, that wonderful line means absolutely nothing. I loved the early Mario games but I'm sorry to say that I have felt that Mario games were on the decline long before Sonic games were. Is that a personal opinion? Yes. So is your opinion that people who don't like Mario games as much as Sonic games should bow down and kiss the plumber's ass and buy the games that we don't enjoy because we should be grateful. Sonic fans do not -all- hate or dislike Mario. Some of us just don't really care about Mario games anymore as they've lost interest years ago. Others enjoy them. We don't need constantly reminded that Mario helped save Nintendo anymore. It's been drilled into our heads for YEARS.

    Anyway, that ends my rant. Mario doesn't even belong in a discussion about Sonic. I see why initially it may have been brought in but really, can we just toss it out so we can actually talk on the subject matter that the thread was made about in the first place? My apologies for the offensiveness but some people are trying hard to be nothing but offensive and challenging as others want to talk things out on what the thread is about. Let it go already, people.
  10. dbzman321 Banned

    Jun 26, 2008
    I hate sonic they act fruity... anyways sega mostly makes sonic games they should come out with something new

  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I know what Sonic's downfall is.

    Sega tried to copy Nintendo. It worked at the dawn of time, so why not again?

    They made their Sonic games have spin offs. Spin offs here and spin offs there. Mario did this, but his were somewhat good, and his normal games were fun enough to sustain him.

    Sonic got gimmicks shoved everywhere. Sonic boost, Werehog, Teamwork, guns, moving on rails. (Sonic and the Secret Rings) Not to mention the crap Rider games.

    In the days of old, Sonic may have gotten away with a few spin offs. Nowadays, his normal games are not good enough to warrent spin offs, and the spin offs have strayed the game from its duty.

    Mario is drifting this way too, although he is fairing better than Sonic.

    Nintendo seems to want to do this to Zelda too. They have promised that Twilight Princess was the last Zelda game like that. Now we have Phantom Hourglass and its touch screen. I pray it does not follow the trend.

    Quite frankly, it appears all my favourite franchises are doomed. Is it too late to convert to a square fan?
  12. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008

    Once again, you always seem to misinterpret whut I'm tryin' to say XD

    I'm not SAYING Sonic fans should kiss Mario's boots. Nuh, I'm not sayin' they should play his games. What I was talkin' about is how much the Sonic fans blindly disrespect Mario, despite what he's done. And this is not just about Nintendo, but video gaming, period as gaming was pretty much on the verge of death. You may want to refer to the Video Game Crash of 1983. Of course, while people maybe entitled to their opinions, how you word it is what's either gonna make people all pissy or they might just come to understand.

    Also, Sonic has never been really all that good at spinoffs, to be honest. Not a lot of people liked Sonic R, from what I hear from various Sonic fans. There hasn't been another full-fledged Sonic racing game since. And let's not talk about Sonic Shuffle. I still liked Sonic games even after Sonic Heroes and some people have been hacking Sonic 06 so it'll play like it's complete. Yes, I am one who plays Shadow the Hedgehog and ENJOYS it. XP

    I don't take sides on either part of the spectrum. I'm just be honest, is all. Don't believe me? Go dive into the Sonic fanbase and make at least just ONE comment about Sonic's decline and see the results

    And Mario fans are no better, because they have a tendency to complain about 'this shouldn't have been made' or 'that sucks'. Bottom line is: if they didn't make it, you'd be beggin' for it to be made. But when they DO make it, you're gonna complain about some little tidbit that really doesn't need to be complained about in the first place.

    So please dun't classify meh as a fanboy when I've grown up playin' both Sonic AND Mario.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    No, I understood you. You are trying to tell Sonic fans that they 'blindly' disrespect Mario and you are making a biased assumption. The only 'fans' that will say anything about Mario being useless from the beginning are just talkers blowing steam, mostly because Mario fanboys won't stop going on about how we all -needed- Mario to get where we are today.

    And I am telling you that -every- Mario fanboy uses this argument and it needs to stop. What Mario games did is surely noted by any gamer with sense. Does it mean the gamer has to -like- the game and can't call Mario a fat tard? No. There are quite a few games that have made some companies pretty prominent now and the companies took big chances on them. Mario helped but the games are -NOT- the only reason we have the video games of today.
    Also, on the lines of giving Mario respect.
    - If I don't like Superman but like Batman because I enjoy the character archtype, abilities, way he thinks, and grimness of story more, am I dissing the comic book society because Superman was first and comics might not have sprung up so well had it not been for the Man of Steel?
    I could give other examples, but that is a good one. What 'allegiance' are we supposed to give Mario here? He has gotten tons of credit for 1983. If people think his games and spinoffs suck now, they do. It is opinion. Just like if someone says Sonic games suck. Who cares? It's opinion. Play what you want and enjoy. We don't have to have a gamer loyalty to one game hero etc.

    And in this thread we had the prime example with Hercules misspelling and initiating stuff in a thread that it was uncalled to do, showing a Mario fanboy flag. Then in a 'Sonic' thread it's not expected that people are going to be annoyed? After, you come in challenging the people who defended Sonic and made fun of Mario. Really, you talk about wanting to be understood but you were not at all neutral.

    This is a matter of opinion. Of course, the last few games to me have sucked major time. I really can't stand Silver and think if they wanted to save the Sonic franchise they'd focus on -Sonic- instead of making more ripoff characters and some of the dumbest new characters ever. I've seen dumber ones in other Nintendo games, which is why I've really begun to feel Nintendo itself has been slipping as a whole in quality. However, this is again -my opinion-. I haven't liked a Mario game for several years now. I am not at all into Kirby or Pokemon. I'm more an RPG and shoot/slash/drive the hell over stuff kind of person so basically only a few games on Nintendo even keep me buying their consoles. Do I realize that that my likes and preferences are my own? Definitely. I'm not going to hold it against those who don't like Sonic, Final Fantasy, KH, LoZ, GTA, DMC, CT, MGS, etc. They can say the games blow chunks. Fanboys need some humility and to just let people be to their opinions while loving what they do.

    They are no better also because they bring up Mario rules in discussions on other games. It's the same as console fanboys/girls bringing up another console to boast about it when some people are discussing a particular console. It's pointless rabble for attention to shout out loyalties. Hell, the same thing happens with musicians or sports...fanboys are annoying. period.

    That is the problem with 'any' fanboys/girls. They will go on and on how something could be so much better but the moment someone says something against their games because they dislike them...oh noes., it's on. I agree both hardcore Mario fans and hardcore Sonic fans are irritating in the way you say. Just like any other fanboys/girls. Also though, we do need to give people a little more credit. Some games really -do- suck and the majority of people know it. When the fans can actually say something sucks, it's time to consider things...well when there are actual 'constructive' criticisms anyway.

    Okay, you aren't a fanboy. xD I'm not either. I'm just asking that you see the point you made about there's a certain way to say things to get reactions you would want. How you came off was attacking one side and you weren't going after the person that actually started the whole problem in the first place. Instead Sonic 'fans' get attacked in a thread on Sonic. Sure, both sides are wrong but you weren't saying that before. This time you did acknowledge Mario fanboys can be just as irritating. Let's just agree that sometimes we may need a good vent because all fanboys/girls can get irritating. However, it's important to watch where we throw those vents because you really don't know who you are hurting in the end. There is a difference between 'fans' and 'fanboy/girls'