EA revealed the HP: DH videogame trailer and it looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! At least in terms of gameplay because graphics look a bit cheap. Now now, i know that those things did not happened in the book but meh, it would be a boring game if you could just roam England with a few encounters. Also, do i see RE4 influences or is it only me?
Ew. Looks kinda bad. Looks like EA tried making it like a shooter game. Sad...the best Harry Potter games were the ones that had no less ties to the movie.
Eh, EA, means it's gonna be pretty suckish plus it's Harry Potter >> Those games haven't been good since Chamber of Secrets.
It's been a while since I read the book but I don't remember waves of skeletons and death eaters chasing Harry during the first half of the book. I like the new Gears style gameplay but now that it's going to become a spamfest of enemies in each room seems kinda dull. Then again all they did in the first half was walk around so I guess it's better than that.
They're Inferi. And no in DH we don't see any of them but we know that Voldemord is using them. Well, pretty much yes. If they'd follow the book then all you had to do would be to set the tent and avoid being seen. There's not action in the first half of the book aside from 2-3 chapters. Hmm.., so that means that there will be a fight stage at the wedding. I wonder how this will turn out. IGN article I'm highly dissapointed at EA. Harry using the Cruciatus curse? Seriously? You haven't played the rest of the game have you?
Assuming you mean the 3rd and 4th games, I've played them and they weren't as good as the first two IMO.
Well sure the fourth was pretty lame ( i don't understand why you don't like POA.) but what about OOTP and HBP? Those two are pretty awesome and especially HBP with the improved battle system. I'm not saying that they should be awarded for their quality (although HBP was nominated for best music now that i thing about it) but they are very good games. What's not to like? Music, Graphics, voice acting and in the case of HBP the gameplay as well, are very good. And you get to explore the freaking Hogwarts without loading screens!
I have no idea what any of those abrieviations are for >> And it's my opinion on whether I like the games or not, I don't see why your getting so defencive. It's not like you made the games. I've prefer the first Harry Potter game to any of the one's I've played simply because it was really odd and surprisingly packed with things to do, the second one was pretty much the same as the first and the third and fourth added stuff that made it a typical movie game in my opinion, plus by then I stopped liking Harry Potter (the third film was boring for me but the book was my favourite of the three I read).
POA = Prisoner of Azkaban OOTP = Order Of The Phoenix HBP = Half Blood Prince God, no, i wasn't trying to be defensive, i was just trying to understand why you don't like the games XD On topic now: another preview
It's going to get boring fast. From what I heard there are no side quests so if it's just constant shooting spells then it will get repetitive rather quickly, though I like the fact they included a cover system in this one. I also heard you could use Crucio in this game, which I'm frankly against but this is war I guess. Anyway I can say I'm looking more forward to the Lego Harry Potter game then this at the moment.
I have to admit it looks pretty good, seeing as I never read this far into the series it looks decent for a tie in game. HOwever the gameplay reminds me ALOT of Gears of War, with the spellcatis sequences and cover system. The wand is like a gun that can change its shots from single, to three shot burst, to automatic. It'd be better if the gameplay was more original than cpoying other games.