You know, this woman was out walking, and this thing broke off a lawnmower or something and decapitated her.
To be fair she had it coming. I mean, I'd get pissed too if someone was constantly cutting the head off of me/making me shorter. /fromperspectiveofthegrass
My friend slashed a girl's back with a weedwhacker. It was accidental, of course. But ***** deserved it. B|
The irony in that for me is that while playing Halo, a random car decided to bounce off a lift and hurl itself at me. Good times.
He's worldwide now B| speaking of heads being chopped off, about fifteen years ago my sister was at the fairground, on the twizzlers, and it was the ones where the guys move around and push you individually. There were no regulations back then and my sister watched as one guy got in the way on accident and his head was knocked off x: