The song Friday from Rebecca Black.... is starting to grow on me!!!! Convo between me and my friend: Friend: Cool, what you listening to? And I'm just singing along to music. Me: Friday Friend: what song did you say!?!?!? Me: .... Friday >> Friend: O_O Why on God's beautiful Earth would you listen to a song like that!?!?! What should I do?!!? DX
I just got back from my school's talent show, they ended it with everyone singing Friday(for S&G). When it isn't being sung by Black it isn't as mind numbing, much funnier, but still a terrible song.
Only if you fall asleep listening to it, you'll then perpetually wake up on friday with an irresistible craving for cereal. So close to the weekend, but never getting there. o-o
Just say you meant this. Spoiler [video=youtube;KlyXNRrsk4A][/video] or that you were listening to it because you needed a good laugh. Or, tell the truth- it's not that bad really.
well, what you do is completely ignore your friend for a few seconds. My friend and I do that all the time, because he listens to some really strange music, but I guess we don't take it as far as that.
okay, here's what you do. ignore your friend, jump on khv make a thread about out it, and then do exactly what we tell you.