This game seriously feels more like it's trying to be closer to an older-aged T game. There are some things in it that kind of make me think I'm playing closer to an M game; at least, if it was more mature than the scenes they give. Like this room for instance Or every time you do a tuning where you get a video of what I can only call "madoka magica syndrome" Not too mention I swear there's an innuendo whenever you use a song ability in battle. It doesn't bother me all that much, it's just weird calling this game T at times. Oh...and having Stephanie Sheh in the game doesn't help either, especially with her voicing a ditzy 15-year old, my ears bleed every time I hear her voice. She has got to be the one english voice actor that I can live without ever hearing.
I'm really not a fan of the waifu pandering stuff, so this has really been chafing my hype for the game (and for the new Fire Emblem, for that matter) since it looks like such a great SRPG.
Well, it seems like the main character doesn't really care much for the girls, at least as far as I've gotten in. Though that's not far, when i think about it. I've enjoyed it at least. I'm excited for Fire Emblem too