im bored waiting so ill tell you a story to pass the time. Some dumb kid in 9th got mad and decided to hit a window. He's now in the hospital for cutting an artery. I wasn't around when it happened, and I don't know the guy, but they had to hold 1st block for 40 minutes to clean all the blood and glass.
Oh wow! That's awful :( Though he should have controlled his anger and known better than to hit a window. Hoping he recovers okay!
lol I did that to the bathroom window when I was about 10 (maybe?) but I wasn't taken to hospital. Instead we found scriptural references for forgiveness and plastered them around my dad's room.
I had a similar occurrence with a dog and a rock. A bottle of peroxide later I was fine. Still love dogs to this day. Hope the guys alright but he needs to learn not to punch stuff. It was his own fault.