Kingdom Hearts II Some Questions...

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Dream*Keeper, Feb 15, 2007.

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  1. Dream*Keeper Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 15, 2007
    Reverse City
    okiday, there's probably ALOT of threads about this here already, but the question still lingers!!! Is Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix coming to America?!:confused:
    Things I've heard so far, is that it IS...My friend told me, and i was estactic, but then I come here to find it's not. It's obviously already in Japan,and probably everywhere except America. -.- Anyway, I've also got a question about Kingdom Hearts I final mix. Was that realeased in America? Because while some cutscenes of KH I FM are sub titled in Japanese, the voices are in American. o.O so...what the heck?!
    And, If KH II Final Mix is coming to America, does anyone know when? I was told in the summer, but hey, it might not even be finished by then. -.-
    Okay, anyway, I was told KH3 is already in Japan! Is this rumor true?!
    Can someone answer my questions!!! TT_TT
  2. shad0ws Moogle Assistant

    Feb 12, 2007
    In the darkness where else??
    I live in england and it hasnt come out yet and sorry i dont know when it will come out in america i dont even know when itll come out in england the only way to find out when is probably looking around a load of kh sites
  3. Zero-Cerberus Banned

    Feb 14, 2007
    Where Pigs Fly
    Um, of course it is. People from North America have the highest purchase rate of Kingdom Hearts video-games than any other region. So, they would be insane not to release it into North America.

    As for KHIII in Japan, no. I think if it were, someone would have some screenshots by now.
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