Mm... Yes, the first and second are a bit sloppy. The third is slightly better. Not sure what you were going for with the fourth, trying to add your own design maybe? Whether you're coloring or recoloring, you have to respect the structure of the sprite. What you're seeing aren't separate colors, but shades of the same color, meant to represent the reflection of light on the sprite's surface. So if you're going to change a color, you have to change several at once. Dratini is blue and white; change the white and you have to change the gray, too. You also have to take outlines into consideration when they're present, as usually they're not quite black but a very dark shade of the color closest to them. One thing you definitely want to avoid is using sharp colors for things like fur or skin. It just doesn't look right. Sharp colors are for specific purposes, like neon lights or glossy surfaces, and even then they should be used sparingly. Have you ever seen a mouse with traffic-light-red fur? It would probably hurt your eyes. Whites and blacks are tricky; you can use them, but it's much easier to use super-dark and super-light grays. As for making your own designs... well, that's pretty advanced. Might wanna stick to the basics for now, even if it's something you're interested in pursuing.