Some poems for you

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Xendane, May 30, 2009.

  1. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    These are some poems I wrote. I thought you guys might enjoy them, so here you go!

    We all wake up,
    We all witness
    The coming of day
    And nothing less.
    But we never consider...
    What if day didn't come?
    What if we were stuck in an endless night,
    To which there was no awakening?

    Such thoughts are discarded,
    Thrown away, forgotten
    Subjects changed on the spot.
    We dare not think of the future,
    And the horrors that may come with it.
    The mind of humans
    Will not allow it.
    It Forbids thoughts of the future,
    Forbids words of another life,
    Forbids talk of death.

    But still, I ask,
    What would happen,
    If we all woke up,
    But never truly awoke?
    What then, may I ask,
    Would humans do?

    Would we sit and cry,
    Until the tears ceased?
    Would we fight amongst ourselves,
    In hopes that somehow,
    An answer will come?

    I ask you again, dare we think
    Of things that bring sorrow?
    Dare we speak
    Of painful memories?
    Dare we acknowledge
    That the future comes
    In the most horrifying fashion?

    What should be said
    Of these strange thoughts?
    Be I a crazy man?
    Be I insane?
    Or be I a dark prophet?

    Yes, say what you will,
    But none can escape
    The dark truth:
    Brighter days
    Do not exist
    In the dark storm
    That is
    The visions,
    The visions of the future.

    That poem was written for my poetry class at one point. It's not really supposed to make much sense, since the idea was that it was supposed to be confusing, but at the same time somewhat scary. I think that this was one of my first poems.

    We all lie to ourselves,
    We watch the days go by,
    And we walk around and lie,
    We cannot trust ourselves.
    It is a talent humanity never needed,
    A gift not wanted,
    An ability not intended to be learned.

    Why do we lie to ourselves?
    Why do we do this?
    Is it because we know
    That the truth
    Hurts more than it heals?
    Or is it because
    We can do nothing more
    Than spout lies left and right,
    Thinking nobody will see through our phony disguise?

    Yes, we tread these grounds,
    This "Mother Earth",
    And our words are those of fools.
    "We wish to help," "We want to know,"
    This nonsense
    Can only come
    From the one being who possesses it:
    And all of its talents.

    It is a sad, sad truth,
    The only one we may ever know,
    That humans lie,
    And the truth never sees the light.
    A sad truth, indeed,
    That I have released unto you,
    All you liars and fools,
    All you thieves and criminals,
    So that you may see...

    ...See what, you ask?
    See the words of truth,
    See a new color
    Than the darkness of false words,
    See a bright youth,
    And not a darkened adulthood

    And maybe,
    Just maybe,
    So you, too,
    Can see how much easier it is
    To speak truth,
    And not lies

    "Lies" was made during a day when I got hit by the Depression sickness that's been jumping around my side of town. I made R3c0Nzi13 cry, because he was editing it for me, and therefore had to READ IT. I'm not sure if he was crying in agony or if it was tears about how beautiful it was. He never tells me that stuff, so I guess we'll never know.

    All our human lives,
    We know naught but devils,
    And never see this fabled being,
    This "Holy Angel",
    Of whom stories so heartily speak
    We see only dark,
    And never once witness
    The brilliance of Angelic Light,
    Never see the good,
    Only the bad.

    But I, not I!
    I wish to see the good!
    To pass the threshold
    That divides Good from Bad,
    To witness this Angel
    So often spoken of!
    I want to know
    What Angelic light feels like!
    I wish to feel
    What others may never feel,
    The comforting hands
    Of a caring Angel...

    And so, I set off!
    To see only the good
    And never the bad,
    In whatever form possible,
    Whatever words able to be spoken,
    Whatever steps needed to be taken,
    Whatever thoughts need be thought...

    I know not how long this journey is,
    Be it a day or a year?
    Be it a week or a month?
    A second or and hour?
    A lifetime or an Eternity?
    Is there an end,
    Or does the road continue,
    Until all roads disappear?

    One may never know...

    ...Certainly not I.

    "Angelic" was written for my girlfriend. It just seems to fit her so well, never seeing anything wrong, always happy, not really caring about the bad stuff, so I just had to do this. Coincidentally, it was Valentine's Day when I gave it to her, but I meant to give it to her on her birthday, which was the day AFTER Valentine's Day.

    Early gift, then?

    Tell me what you think of these, and if you want, I'll even put up more for you. I'm open for any critiques, but try not to be mean about it. I gladly accept if I did something wrong, but don't continue to shove it in my face. It's really rude, and I usually get the idea the first time.

    Enjoy! :D
  2. R3c0Nzi13 Banned

    May 27, 2009
    OMG-ville, first WTF complex on the right.
    Well, I remember that Lies did make me cry, but I was crying because it was so true.

    And I particularly take a liking to Angelic. You wrote this for Marina? How sweet. :D
  3. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    This poems are all really good. I can't give much critique because I'm not that good, but I really enjoyed them. My favorite one was Angelic. Though there is one thing I did notice. They all look very similar, even though they talk about things differently. It is alwats nice to try new things, that's all I can say. Otherwise these are good.
  4. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Well, they're all similar because that was the theme for the three of them. Except Angelic, I wrote that as a Valentine's gift.

    And who are you trying to fool? I've seen your poetry! You're better than me, if nothing else.

    BTW, it seems people are enjoying Angelic more out of the three. Probably because it's a tad more upbeat than Lies and Visions.(Both of which made R3c0Nzi13 cry)
  5. 9th Genesis Banned

    May 19, 2009
    Uh... er... hm... where DO I live?
    These are good, you should post some more!
  6. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    9th: You just want to see me sweat, don't you?

    Oh well, whatever.

    This feeling...
    Our dreams revolve around it.
    We believe we can touch the blue of the skies,
    Feel the clouds brush through our hair,
    The wind whisper across our faces...

    We dream of birds
    Flying side by side
    with us;
    A pointless fantasy,
    Yet we still dream it.
    We dream a dream so sweet,
    So peaceful,
    That even our minds must revert
    To a restful zen...

    And this dream may yet become reality,
    What with our planes, helicopters, rockets...
    Maybe, in the future,
    We will live our dream
    To its fullness...
    Maybe, we can master
    That fantastic feeling of flight.

    "Flight" was made when I had that flying dream everybody has when they're younger. Except for R3c0Nzi13, he had a car driving dream as a kid. How odd.

    We all believe that magic is a fake,
    That it would be illogical;
    Yet, still, masters of this strange technique
    Linger in our world,
    Showing us the mystical power
    Of magic.

    Illogical, yes,
    But does that matter?
    Can't science let Magic alone,
    And not crush the dreams of children?
    Far too long, I heard these words:
    "Stop fantasizing, stay in the present"
    Well, maybe I should stop daydreaming,
    But what of those of younger age?
    Can't they dream?

    So, I say,
    Let the Mystics say what they will,
    Let the youth dream,
    Let Magic be ever-present
    In our oh-so-colorful world.
    We could all use a break
    From the common scientific truths,
    We could all use the chance to escape
    Into our own world of fantasy,
    Where scientific truths are about as important
    As brushing your hair on a Saturday morning,
    When you've nothing to do of any importance.

    It's our fantasy,
    Let us dream it.

    "Mystical" was written back in 2007 when I got bored and felt like writing something, but couldn't be bothered to write a full-on story. This was the next best thing.

    And if you haven't yet guessed, I'm a free-verse poet.

    One more for you:

    I remember those days,
    When you and I,
    Without a worry in the world,
    Would run about the field,
    Laughing, as though it was the funniest thing;
    I remember when you said you loved me;

    It seems so long ago...

    How I wish I again had those days,
    As I now sit on this doorstep,
    Writing this lonely poem
    On a pad of blank paper,
    Decorating the border as I go;
    If you were here,
    You would fall head over heels for this work;

    But now you're gone...
    And I feel nothing but loneliness and boredom
    In my saddened heart.

    Oh, those memories,
    They bring me joy, yes;
    But nothing, I repeat, nothing,
    Nothing can replace the true feeling;
    Not a memory, nor a word, nor a picture.
    There is nothing that amounts to the real thing,
    And I wish I knew that sooner.

    Each day, I see you pass me on the street,
    Not even a glance my way,
    As you talk into your cell phone
    With a fake smile,
    To your "girlfriend",
    Who I sincerely doubt to be a true friend.
    I hold nothing against you and your choices;
    It's your life, I've no business tampering with it.


    If given a second chance,
    I myself would change...
    I would not push you away,
    Tell you that this friendship cannot be,
    Sadly give you the last gift I'll ever give,
    That you still yet wear in your hair;

    In those delightful days,
    I would never shy away from a conversation with you;
    But now I find no strength to speak.
    I used to be kind,
    But my heart locked itself away when you left;
    I used to be the smartest one you'd ever met,
    But now I stare stupidly at you as you pass me by.

    Maybe, this poem
    Will reunite us,
    Rekindle our friendship,
    So that my loneliness will fade;
    Ah, but one can only dream.
    I know now that it is far too late...

    So, I will do myself a favor,
    And live on,
    Not as a sad man, but a happy man.
    Just as you, I will make new friends,
    Find a new love,
    Live a new life;
    But, for old time's sake,
    I'll keep a small locket in my heart
    With your picture in it.

    I believe this to be a fair compromise,
    Because we both know we'd hate to see each other saddened.

    "Memories" was written in dedication to my best friend, Grace, who now lives in Texas. We still see each other, but it's never that often.

    Well, that was three more for you, I hope you enjoy reading them.

    And I'll post even more if you wish. I kinda' like doing this. It's better than sitting around doing nothing, I'll say. :D

    EDIT: Okay, I lied, I have to put this one up. It's been nagging at me all day long.

    Our feelings define us,
    Shape us,
    Style us,
    Make us the people you see;
    Our feelings send the message
    Of what we experience;
    "I am happy, therefore life is good"
    "I am angry, therefore nothing is right"
    "I am frustrated, therefore nothing makes sense"

    Our feelings show our true colors;
    Red, the color of anger
    Green, the color of envy
    Blue, the color of intelligence
    White, the color of good
    Black, the color of ill intent;

    Our feelings are what make us human,
    Truly human,
    And not just an empty shell,
    Pointlessly following orders,
    Never fighting back, never asking for more;
    These are not people,
    They are merely puppets,
    Puppets controlled by strings;

    Our feelings let us know
    That we have a purpose;
    That we do indeed matter,
    And that we are important enough
    To be given such gifts

    Our feelings bring us together,
    Friendships forged,
    Lovers united,
    Enemies scorned;
    Our feelings effect us
    In ways we've no words to explain...

    Our feelings;
    Without them, we are nothing.

    "Feelings" was written for my art class, when we were told to make something related to the colors of emotions. I made this and got an A+ on creative word play, and a note that said, "Very nice, but this project required a picture to go with it."

    Whoops, heh heh...
  7. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    Oh wow, just wow. These are really supersweet poems. Hell YEah, write more :'D Lies made me all teary and Memories was amazing. You really have an gift of writing poems.
  8. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    "Lies" made Emmet cry, too. "Lies" makes EVERYBODY cry, what's going on here?!

    Well, you asked for more, so here's some more! (OH TEH NOES!)

    Many believe
    That the passing of a person
    Is the worst of all fates...
    But I, and my beliefs,
    Believe there truly is a second life...

    A life where all are satisfied,
    And nobody is left out in the cold;
    A life full of peace and bliss,
    Zen and prosperity,
    Happiness and love,
    That not even our human evils can enter;

    There are many names to call this life,
    Second Life, Heaven, The Rising;
    But, I think a new name is appropriate
    For such a wondrous event
    If death is just another part
    Of the endless ring of life,
    I think "Rebirth" is more fitting
    For those who live again

    Rebirth for the poor, rebirth for the saddened,
    Rebirth to the innocent;
    Rebirth for the youth who had no chance to live,
    So that they might taste of life's joys;
    And even Rebirth for the wicked ones,
    Those with hearts of blackened tar,
    To serve as a second chance
    To change their ways before it is too late;

    Yes, I believe in life
    After death takes hold;
    It's not something one likes to think of,
    Never waking up again

    "Rebirth" was written during a gathering of the Catholic parish around my part of town; they asked me to read it to them as a special surprise, and I just couldn't say no.

    Tribute to the Fallen
    War begins anew,
    And those with the hearts
    To fight in what they truly believe in
    Are marched out to fight;
    Many may never return...

    These brave souls throw their lives away
    To defend us and the innocent,
    To keep us out of the fire
    For just a moment longer;
    That we remember them with the greatest respect
    Is the only real way to say "thank you"
    For all they have done

    Battles scar the minds
    Of surviving war veterans
    Who speak their stories to the younger age;
    "I remember Johnny boy,
    He was a good man,
    A wife and kids,
    But now he'll never see them again."
    The sorrow and grief with the coming days
    Make it seem as if there is no tomorrow...

    Yet, these soldiers fight,
    Fight for what is right,
    Fight for our freedom, our lives,
    For our next generations to live,
    They fight for you, they fight for me,
    They fight for justice;
    To remember them with the highest respect,
    And to embrace them with open arms,
    Is the only form of a "thank you" we can possibly give
    To those who risk it all...

    And when the time comes
    For you to stand and fight,
    Maybe, fighting for the Fallen
    Can bring you honor and respect as well

    "Tribute to the Fallen" was written in honor of the war veterans we hold in highest regard, and to those who went in but never came home. My Uncle was one of the lucky ones who got out before it got ugly. His service ended when he lost his leg. On Veteran's day in my end of town, I was asked to read this for a group of Veterans, and I made each and every one of them cry.


    The willingness to stand,
    To speak out against injustice,
    To fight for what you think is right,
    To deliver Justice to those who need it;

    This is considered Bravery,
    But to me, there is more;
    What of the willingness
    To save those in need?
    Isn't that bravery?

    What about the desire
    To speak to one you love
    And tell them your true feelings,
    As though you've known each other for years?
    What about having the guts
    To stand up to your peers
    And reject their false ways,
    So that you may live your own life?

    Bravery has many forms
    Than what we tend to see;
    Bravery is not just fighting;
    Bravery is also healing,
    Acting out a good decision;

    Bravery is a mother with her child,
    Nursing it to health in its first years of life,
    Instead of abandoning it where it may die,
    So that they may not have to worry about parenthood;

    Bravery is a father teaching his son
    Some of the most important life lessons he'll learn,
    Instead of letting his son find out the hard way,
    Because it is too hard to speak of;

    It is also the willingness to speak,
    Not through violence...

    ...But through peace.

    "Bravery" was written in dedication to my deceased younger sister and brother, who never really got a chance to see life in its fullest as I have. It was also dedicated to my deceased Father and Mother, my war veteran Uncle, my older brother who lives a life of secrecy, my older sister who has an abusive boyfriend, and basically everybody I care about. They have to show bravery in the face of the hardest decisions they've ever had to make, and I wanted to write something to commemorate them for it.

    So, there's three more for you guys. Enjoy. :D

    And yes, I'll still post more if you want me too. This is actually fun.

    EDIT: Okay, yeah, I lied again, there's another poem I need to put up before I get to work on tracking down the next set.

    Here ya go:

    Do you believe in fate?
    That it holds our lives on leashes,
    Guiding us through the cycle of existence,
    Without ever letting us stray?

    Do you believe it binds our hands,
    Shuts our mouths,
    Chains our feet?
    That it forces us
    To live how it wishes us to live?
    That it gives us little freedom, little choice?

    Do you believe that it drives us,
    Mercilessly pushes us,
    Towards the end it sees fit for us?
    That it whips our backs,
    The minute we do something wrong?

    Are we slaves to fate?

    I do not think so.
    I believe that we can choose our lives,
    And live them as we see fit,
    Not as others wish;

    So I will deny Fate it's joy,
    And walk my own path,
    Straying whichever direction I wish,
    Never giving a thought to who is displeased in the process;

    For this is my life,
    And this is my name,
    And these are my hands,
    My feet,
    My eyes and ears,
    My mouth,
    And I will do what I see fit to do with them,

    Not what anybody thinks I should do.

    "Fate" was made after I broke up with my evil(I mean EVIL)ex girlfriend. This was a parting gift to let her know that she doesn't control me(though she tries really hard to get that power these days).
  9. 9th Genesis Banned

    May 19, 2009
    Uh... er... hm... where DO I live?
    I like Bravery best. Mainly because green's my favorite color.

    You should write some more! (Mainly because I enjoy watching you work)
  10. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Jack, I'm only gonna' say this once:


    Well, since you asked for it...

    Remember Me?
    Do you remember me?
    I used to be your friend,
    The one who always comforted you
    When you were down;
    I used to be your guardian angel,
    Careful to never let you waste your life;

    I used to be your mind,
    Giving you information
    That you might otherwise not have;
    It was always me to respond to your questions,
    It was I who gave you shelter when you were lost,
    I gave you food when you were hungry;

    And now look what you've done...

    You've repaid me by throwing dirt in my face,
    Smashing my head in the wall,
    Laughing at my expense;
    You always blame me for your shortcomings,
    Never taking responsibility;
    You made friends,
    Friends who only like you because you want to fit in;

    I gave my life for you,
    And you threw it all away.

    But I hold no hate towards you,
    Neither spite, nor vengeance;
    I only wish the worst to come of you,
    So that you may learn an important lesson;

    I will always be your friend,
    Even if you make my life miserable,
    Because you don't mean to do this,
    Yet you need to be set straight;

    I never wanted this,
    And you never thought it possible,
    That your best friend
    Would one day find you again,
    With not even recognition in his eyes;

    The moral of this tragic tale,
    My dearest, dearest friend,
    Is that you betrayed me for popularity,
    And now you've returned to the start once more.

    "Remember Me?" was written for one of my friends who got his entire life messed up because of bad decisions. I mailed this poem to him to try and show him who else he hurts other than himself. Currently, he's under house arrest.

    This is the only one I can remember right now, I'll put up another one later.

    EDIT: I have a Karate class to be at soon, so I'll make this quick. The next poem I'm going to put up wasn't written at such-and-such a time for so-and-so, I made it up and wrote it down just now. But, as I said, I have to go soon, so I can't put it up at the moment.

    EDIT #2: Okay, the class was canceled because Sensei Mark was sick. So, here's that poem, then:

    Retreat, my child,
    Retreat into your heart;
    Escape their harmful words,
    Let them speak their evils,
    But fear not their spite;

    Retreat into your soul,
    Find the place of peace within,
    And enter there;
    Let it calm your beating heart,
    Block the fearful thoughts,
    Protect your delicate shell;

    Retreat to my arms, dear child;
    Let me protect you from harm,
    As I have done so well before;
    I will not let them lay their spiteful hands
    On so pure a youth as yourself,
    For that is unwise for a person as I;

    Retreat into yourself,
    Think of me;
    Think of all I have done,
    And all I can still do for you;
    You know I will be there waiting,
    Waiting for you,
    In that place of peace;

    Retreat to me,
    And all will be well...

    "Retreat" was written just a while ago. There was no reason behind it, no story, nothing. It just came into my head. I might give it to Bryce's little sister, Juliana, because when I wrote it, Bryce said it sounded oddly like him. So, hey, why not give her a birthday present? (She's five, now.)

    Comments? Critique?
  11. R3c0Nzi13 Banned

    May 27, 2009
    OMG-ville, first WTF complex on the right.
    Hey, thanks for writing Retreat for sis. I'm sure she'll enjoy it.
  12. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Yeah, sure, no biggie.
  13. 9th Genesis Banned

    May 19, 2009
    Uh... er... hm... where DO I live?
    All I can see is your signature, what did you WRITE?!
  14. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    How about you actually READ THE POST!!!
  15. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    "Lies" makes everyone cry because it speaks the truth ;-;
  16. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Well, I guess you've got a point there...
  17. R3c0Nzi13 Banned

    May 27, 2009
    OMG-ville, first WTF complex on the right.
    random reply

    Okay, cool, I was worried because my profile's being weird.
  18. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Yours and Jack's too, bud. I don't know what's going on, but it'll clear itself up with time.
  19. R3c0Nzi13 Banned

    May 27, 2009
    OMG-ville, first WTF complex on the right.
    Back to poems, shall we?
  20. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    As Xemnas once said: "Indeed..."

    What we say,
    We never mean.
    What we do,
    We shall regret.
    When I tell you that I love you,
    Just to turn and hate you
    Behind your back,
    I feel this overwhelming force
    Take over my heart,
    And my conscience says:
    "What are you doing?"

    It hurts inside, but in a painless way,
    My feelings sink to the pit of my stomach,
    And my heart begins to pound against my chest,
    Quickly, brutally...

    I know the consequences,
    And what may come of them,
    Yet I go unprepared,
    My words roll out of my mouth
    In an endless stream of confusion...

    My mind races,
    Sprinting to procure the answers
    To my never ending questions,
    While you stare at me with tears
    Welling in your beautiful eyes...

    Then, I explode:
    "I never meant to do this!
    I didn't want to hurt you!
    I'm stupid; hate me!
    Spite my miserable soul!
    Let my sorry corpse burn!
    I deserve it all!"
    A pointless plea,
    That I know you will never comply to,
    For you are too pure to do such evil,
    As I have done to you;

    The questions come,
    Hitting hard and fast,
    Meaningless hopes
    To restore our frienidship;
    Will she forgive? Can we still be friends?
    Is there any way to fix this?
    Could I take back my stupid sins
    And stop them before they happen?

    But, you and I know
    Only too well
    That it was I who harmed you,
    And now our fate lies in your hands;
    If you could forgive a fool,
    Would you?
    If you could let it all go,
    Would you?

    Would you regret your own decisions,
    As I regret mine?

    "Regret" was written at one point when I was on the verge of breaking up with my girlfriend during a time when we both got hit with depression. I wrote it as a type of reconciliation, and was rather surprised when she forgave me and all was suddenly well again.