I did this cause of boredom.This is a flyer i made.its not much,just the simple stuff.its pretty large.Oh incase your wondering this isnt a real band.atleast not that i know off just made the name up. to go with the pic.
on the left it says crash,than on top of that says extension spelled backwords.than next to crash it says since 1980
Wow, just WOW! This one is awsome,nice colour mix ,I dig the text and the brushes. This one is great Eclipse!
O__O... Awesome flyer dude! Though the typography is a big no-no. The electro-looking font doesn't flow too well with the poster, and the general placement of the texts are in my opinion not well handled yet - it's kinda hard to read. But, oh gosh the style.....~~<3 Great going man.