Today is Day 4 of no power. My dad just bought a new generator so we can use the internet for a little bit, but I am slowly going insane. Never want to look at another board game again. How are all of you doing?
Well, I'm massively tired from all the makeup work I've been doing to catch up for midterms, and I have a stomach ache from all the candy. So I'm good, thanks for asking.
Sorry to hear about your powerlessness. Must not be very eventful with no power. I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. Although snow just happened to start falling out of nowhere a couple days ago where I am, so now it's freezing. I dun liek freezing.
When I lost power in the summer of 2011 I thought I was going to lose it. Luckily we got power back on the 5th day, but it was rough having to go that long without power. you'll get through it (hopefully)
Oh gosh were you hit bad? I know some areas on the island were but I'm right near the water here and we were fine, wow.
wow :c i had 3 days of no power, but that's terrible. i hope things get better for you soon. stay safe. <3
Ouch. Back in '05 when Katrina hit us, I think we went three or four days without power. It's tough, and I can't imagine how bad it must be with the board games. Good luck.
Thanks guys it's Day 6 now Also Monopoly ruins lives man. And Uno because you can't tell the difference between the green and blue cards when you only have light from candles. Wow interesting! I wish I could play hardcore drunkio kart with my friends right about now
Ah, hang in there! The most days our area went out of power was for 5 days. And there wasn't even a storm. It was a ****** who hit a power pole with his car. ಠ_ಠ
Tired of coughing. Fed up with pretty much the majority of the human race. Aside from the coughing, ...nothing out of the ordinary.
I mean in all serious I'm really lucky and grateful that I have a house right now. Some people can't say the same. My area just had a lot of trees fall, and they took the sidewalk with them. Actuallly I have a fear of when they light the gas stove in order to heat the house I get really freaked out by the four burners. Candles are fine though. THANKS FOR CARING BEN HOPE EVERYTHINGS GOOD WITH YOU <3 good vibes
Everything's fine here. we had a couple of death's here, and a couple of crushed houses. But otherwise, we were lucky compared to everyone else. I'm just glad to hear you're safe. c: Keep me updated, OK?
i read that as "crushed horses" Either way, I hope everybody is doing okay. It breezed right past Florida, and all Cat and I got were some strong winds and a little rain. Good luck.
I know that bad stuff like this happens and that there are a lot of people out there who have it really bad because of Sandy, but seeing a friend(?) being affected by it..... : [ Man. Don't go insane and start punching walls.
Aw man, Haley :c I'm really, really happy to know that you're doing okay and all that jazz. Hope everything gets better and the electricity comes back and no more trees fall! Wow. I wish I could go over there an help ; ~ ;