I received my first tattoo last Sunday and I absolutely adore it. c: Spoiler It's on my upper thigh/hip. It actually didn't hurt all that much. It was in memory of my Grandpa who passed a few years ago. He was really into Cowboys and Indians, wolves, and horses. So, I was wondering, if you have any tattoos, what was it like getting it, and do you have any pictures to share? And if you're not old enough to get tattoos, what do you plan on getting, if you plan it? :3
Oh how prettyyyyy~~~ And that's really sweet, how you got it for your grandpa. I'm not old enough to get one (or so I think), but I'm planning on getting a small pair of wings tattooed on my upper-back, almost shoulders.
showin' some leg ;) i don't have any tattoos yet, but goshhh, i have so many ideas of what i want to get that it's actually crazy. i doubt i'll get 99% of them, but the one i do want is an infinity symbol with hope written inside of it. like, not actually inside it, but along the line of the symbol, so that it's part of it, you know? it's obviously not my idea, and i've seen quite a few pictures of stuff like that before, but it pertains to me so incredibly much that i just feel like i need to get it.
Thanks! Well, in my state you can get one at sixteen, with a parent signature. But 18 is the age you can get it without consent. And that's pretty cool about the wings. c: That would be very pretty! Yeah, I've seen that a few times via tumblr, and I really liked it as well. c: Do you know where you'd like to get it? It really matters where. And just think of it this way with all your ideas. If you think about it now, and still want it two years from now, it's a good idea. It's better to give an idea to blossom and make sure you actually want it to be on your body forever instead of really regretting it later. c:
If I ever get a tattoo, it'll probably just be a series of vertically arranged horizontal lines on each of my arms. Combine that with a pen that washes away with water and I'll have the world's most useful tattoo.
No prob. I'm actually getting mine because of my uncle who died of cancer in 2005. So we both kind have it in common. And thanks. :D In that case, I'm getting that tattoo this summer, hopefully.
I was going to get it on my wrist, but I figured that if I wanted a job, I didn't want to constantly have to wear bracelets in order to cover it. So I figured possibly on my ribcage, but kinda right underneath my breast, and a bit curved. I'm not completely sure how that will look, but it looks okay in my mind. But if it looks silly, I'd probably get it on my side.
I doubt I'll ever get this, but I kinda want a tattoo of a spilled coffee cup, and the text "A stain that never comes off." Probably somewhere on my shoulder blade.
How thoughtful of you (: I recently lost my grandfather to cancer and several additional sicknesses, so I know how it feels. Funny, I was also thinking that when I'm of age, I'll get a tattoo of his military picture+name and date of birth/passing or the American flag and his name with date of birth/passing. I'm glad you love your tattoo (: it looks wonderful