Who else is doing stuff for Avengers? (points to hastily made theme) Also going to the midnight premiere with friends, all dressed to portray some member of the team. guess who I was picked to be
Ironman? I'm going on a double date with my friend, my boyfriend, and her boyfriend. It's gonna be schweet.
Thus far, I haven't made plans to see it. I'm not likely to see it on premier night. And, as stated before, I tend to wait until the movie in question is out on dvd. But we shall see... /social recluse who dislikes large crowds
I can totally understand the wait, especially with a film like this that will undoubtedly have a huge audience for just about every day, for at least a few months. And I like your Loki theme :>
I've got my eye on you. Also going to the midnight premier with a group of friends, dunno how dressed up we'll be, but each of us has a member. I got an eyepatch~
Well I was supposed to see it a couple days ago when it premiered April 24th with my firends but then I had this USA trip I'm on now and we're planning to catch it here in Hollywood chyeahhhhh or you know, wherever we're at if we're on the road then we'll stop somewhere okay idk I was supposed to dress up with my friends and being not much of a Marvel girl I didn't really know who to go as. I was supposed to go as a fem Cap but my friends said no and told me to go as Black Widow cause they think I can pull it off .___. But since I can't anymore and I don't have anything that resembles much of Widow's costume as I travel I will just wear my Black Widow tee I bought a couple days back and watch it with my fam yay
I'm actually not sure I have my Captain America tee there ready for the movie, but I'm not sure who I'm going with yet I know on Saturday I'm supposed to go with one of my friends, but on that Friday I think my best friend got tickets for us already.
I'm trying to convince my mom to let me go see it at midnight. I have no one around here that I can call an actual friend, so they should at least have one seat left open somewhere. And, if not, I can always see it at noon on Friday. No matter how popular a movie, it's noon showing is always available.
I might go and see it... Not really sure though. I mean I not a Marvel fangirl- the only Marvel thing I really like is X Men.