I remember reading that if you purchased the Donkey Kong or Yoshi's Island game you would be able to download the Pokemon game for free, not just be able to get it for the heck of it
wait so how do you do this ive never registered any of my products for anything is it some lame service where you have to pay to join to get free stuff or is it legit pay nothing as long as you have a valid code or w/e. what do you need to join the club thing edit: psh eff that. im not buying a game i dont want so i can get a game i want for free
Well the other part of the service is you get coins for every purchase (roughly 1 per dollar) and can redeem them for downloadable games (You cna get other stuff but it's overpriced and pointless) that change each month, Which basically just means you get a little bit extra if you're buying the games anyways
Over priced is right. When they had the gold numbchuck come out to match the skyward sword wiimote, it was 800-900 coins... I SOMEHOW got it.
I would so do this but it involves buying another nintendo game and I don't really want to O.o I would rather just buy Pokemon X or Y. However, if I could buy Pokemon X and register that and get Pokemon Y then I may consider it.
I think its an NA thing only however. So sadly nobody else can get it. And its select games: Yoshi's Island, MarioKart 7, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3d, lego city heroes, and one other game I don't know. Only those games will grant you the permission of the free download. And out of them all, I only deem Mariokart and Yoshi worthy of purchase.
That's exactly what I though ;-; Plus, I brought my 3DS preowned so I have no idea if it has been registered already. I'm not overly fussed, I could just borrow my friends game if I ever am desperate to play it :3