[At work, I had one of those holy **** moments when a small blonde kid ran past me waving some car keys around, I just sighed and cursed the lack of parental control as of late when I heard a voice say, and I kid you not. "Riku will you stop running off" I seriously what the ****ed. A lil dude called Riku doing a runner from his parents whilst waving keys around, please tell me I am not the only who sees the oddness of this.]
thats really strange maybe kh is COMEING to life cause i met this new kid in school named sora lol and they actully have brown messy hair too O,o i wanna meet axel next i dont even like the heros T~T
Maybe I should name my kid Namine. :3 But my question is if the name is related to Kigdom Hearts, then how did they get the name if the kid was around 10-13? KH wasn't even thought of back then.
Maybe they changed his name when the game came out....is a possibility.....highly unlikely but a possibility