I finally got back in touch with my Mercs clan. Only thing is...we no longer have a leader. lolwut. Aaaand now I have to go dig through my picture folders to find my references for armor. Yay.
Oh, you know you were going to kill them and usurp their position anyway. They've just saved you the trouble of disposing of the body.
Eh...not really, since he's the one that was holding on to my armor. >> So I basically have to start from scratch this time, but at least I have the majority of the soft parts done.
Can't you hunt him down? If you were able to get the armour to him, shouldn't it be easy enough to get it back?
Okay, good news is that the guy still exists, just took a break from the Mercs for a while. He says he's still got all my stuff, so I may not have to start from scratch again. :'D The new NJ guys are also having a meet up in a few days, so I might go to that just to see what new blood we have. I'm excited.
...I actually will be making a melee weapon eventually. c: But it's more of a spear, not a hammer. xD